Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thankful Thursday

Teri says she's Thankful that she could help out these kitties family. . .

She's Thankful they could help Teri out, too, since she lost her job, and catsitting is helping buy us stinky goodness and cat litter and Teri's nom's and gas, too!

These two girls are Soc and Spike, you might remember them from posts we wrote when they came to stay with us in June.

Their home was badly damaged by Hurricane Sandy and they have been staying with friends and temporary apartments since then. Then their Cat Dad had a medical emergency and things got worse in their life.

That's when their Cat Mom asked Teri if she could have them stay at our B & B until she could move back into their home. So Teri went and picked them up and brought them home to stay with us for a while.

They are very happy here and as you can see! Teri is going to let them have some time out in our the tent this week, just for something interesting and she may even take them out in our the stroller, too!

We think our B & B is a very nice place to stay, with lots to see and do around here!

Oh, and don't forget to Hop!

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  1. How great that you are able to offer these kitties a place to stay while their humans work things out in their lives.

  2. A win win for all! Even those who have to share :-)


  3. yeah for everyone!!! we think your B&B looks fabulous :)

  4. Soc and Spike are adorable, and they are very lucky to have Mom Teri to take care of them in their time of need.Glad it is helping to keep efurrybuddy in noms. Hope you all are making your house guests feel welcome. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. We're so glad you were able to help these kitties out.

  6. How nice, its a win-win situation, and everyone gets along!

    Our mom checked out the Being There link, and died laughing. She was working downtown DC when the movie was filmed there and remembers them filming on it. Peter Sellers was always one of her favorite actors, and she also remembers after he passed away, someone talking about how he was difficult to work with because he was such a giggler, and he would laugh at all the funny parts as he acted them out. But she can understand it because he was so funny, and he made so many great movies with hilarious moments. Thanks for sharing that with her, you really made her day!

  7. This is great you are able to take them in for a while. They are good-looking cats. Hope all is peaceful there.


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