We are resting today and Teri is too...We've all been busy around the Furrydance house, and thought our furrends would like an update!
Brighton is improving effurryday, and is now leaving grape-sized clumps in the litterbox (not dime-sized) and he isn't spending a long time squatting anymore, either. Since he seemed to urinate more when he was at the vets and using an empty litterbox, Teri put an empty box in the bathroom in case he wanted to use that, but so far no one has (even Disco, who likes to use empty litterboxes sometimes).
The behaviorists say that sometimes after a cat has had an UTI and had painful urination, that they associate that pain with the litterbox and avoid it. So just in case that was part of Brighton's issue, she used a clear plastic storage box so it didn't remind him of the 'normal' litterpan.
He is still on Valium until he is back to 100% normal, and Teri will maintain him on the 'nutraceuticals' of Cosequin and Duralactin as they are anti-inflammatory. He is loving his canned food and drinking out of the fountain well, and Teri just ordered two 'Sink Drinks', cat dishes that attach to the bathroom faucets, to encourage him to drink more, too.
Here's a link about them:
Teri is still quite worried about Brighton, as from here on out, she will have to keep a really close eye on him, not knowing if and when he could block again, but she is doing what her vet recommends and while one a cat has a urinary blockage, they tend to have recurrences, she has made a 'lifestyle' change for Brighton and hopes that will be enough to keep him purring along without problems!
Coco's kittens are all doing great in their new homes, too and Teri is getting regular updates about them...here's a few pix of Miles, Hiro and Bosco with their housemates:

Update on Mama Katz, her kittens and TomTom (the daddy, maybe?):
Mama K didn't come around for her evening meal on Monday or Tuesday and Teri was a bit concerned in case she has a problem with her spay incision or an infection due to not nursing, but she has come by every night since then and looks A-OK.
She was going to try and trap TomTom last Tuesday so he could be neutered on Wednesday but then she had to switch days off with someone who was on vacation, so she is going to try for this Tuesday night. He is very wary (but hungry) and she hasn't been able to snap a photo of him yet, but she hopes he gets in the trap and not a raccoon or a possum...
Speaking of possums...Teri doesn't like to leave the cat food out overnight in case she attracts critters like rats, raccoons, foxes or possums but one night before she locked up for the night, she flipped on the patio light and look what she saw...
She finally remembered to take her camera to work on Friday and snapped a couple of photos of Mama Katz's kittens...

The little one with the eye defect, who is still looking for a home.

and, the little girl, who is also spoken for and whose name is Tilly.
It's hard to tell in that photo of Tilly, but if you look closely, you will see she is favoring her right front leg. When Teri arrived to work on Thursday morning, she found a bad accident happened overnight.
Someone had left the exam room chairs down (we are supposed to put them up on the table at night anyway but especially important as the room needs to be 'kitten proof' so they don't get into a trouble).
Tilly had gotten her leg caught in the frame of the chair and no knowing how long she had been trapped like that, but she was not able to get free! Her leg was swollen, her pads purple and she has radial nerve damage to the leg, so she is unable to make it do what the leg is supposed to do. Nothing is fractured, and she is on pain meds and an anti-inflammatory and she is getting better each day, but only time will tell if the damage is temporary or permanent.
Poor Tilly! Accidents do happen, but this was due to human error, and that makes it even worse. Sometimes Teri thinks people might think it odd that she keeps kittens in a tent (even though it is a large, dog sized tent) until they are 3-4 weeks old. And then in a large bathroom until they are 8-10 weeks old (of course, they get lots of time out with supervision but when she can't watch them--they are in the bathroom with their mommy).
But it is just for this reason--they can find things that get them into trouble just because they are tiny and don't know about dangers around the house. Even when they are adults...they do things that get them into trouble. Living with cats is like living with children and their environment need to be kitten-proofed and humans need to think "Could they get into trouble if..."
And for a Bebe update... She is doing well in her rehab and enjoys the guest bedroom with it's comfy bed. So far no peeing out of the box, though Disco did spray the bedroom door, just like Teri predicted he would, but only once so far. Good thing, as it's hard to stay mad at him for long...with his cute face!
Here's a photo of the guest bedroom what is Bebe's right now.

She will have the room to herself for a couple of weeks, then Brighton will get to meet her and we'll see if she likes him for a companion and if she is ok sharing her litterbox, but Teri will only leave them together with supervision so she can watch for any behavior that might start Bebes not wanting to use the litterbox, such as grrrs or stares or whapping on either cats part.
Yesterday, our petsitters came over for dinner and we had fun! Disco got to go out strollering! Bebes got lots of attention and brushing with the Zoom Groom, which she loves and everyone said Brighton acted back to his old self again! Bart (Mr Petsitter) helped Teri build a new patio off our basement 'Bird Watching' area. That's a real friend, as it was in the mid-90's and real sweaty work. But now there's room for patio furniture and maybe even a hammock (for human's, not us...).
Teri bought some new plants (a Wisteria and a Honeysuckle) and she said there is even a birdie nesting in one of the 'decorative' birdhouses she bought...soon we may hear tiny tweets?? (Sure, when she finally gets the basement back together and it's 'kitten proof' again!)

Here's an old photo of our 'Cat TV' room aka the basement...which we are patiently waiting to hang out in again:
Well, that's all the mews for this week. Teri is still trying to catch up with visiting our bloggie friends but wants to say thanks to efurryone that has been visiting us and keeping an eye on Brighton, too! She told us we lost some bloggie furrends this week and we are sad to learn that Puff-Kitty and Keiko went to the Bridge, and that sick kitties Neala and Jelly Bean need more purrz and purrz.