Saturday, December 31, 2011
Happy Mew Year's Rockin' Eve!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Fashion Friday--Mz Claws!
Coco, who was the center of attention when she visited the orthopedic vet a few weeks ago...everyone was snapping pictures of her, and this is one shot that one of the staff took and emailed to us!
Coco is having her surgery for her luxating kneecap on her left hind leg on Tuesday January 3rd at VOSM, so keep her in your purrayers on Tuesday for an 'uneventful' surgery and recovery.
You might remember us talking about her injury a few weeks ago on our blog...back in July she fell off the top of a storage cabinet and has been limping on and off since then. The vet Teri works for Xrayed Coco and nothing was broken but her kneecap wasn't stable and the vet suspected she had strained or torn some ligaments holding the knee in place.
Most of the time, patellar luxations are medial, meaning the kneecap slips to the inside. If you've ever seen a little dog 'skipping' along with one or both hind legs, it probably is suffering from luxating patellas, too.
Coco's knee slips to the outside, which leads the vets to think maybe the ligaments that kept it in place are damaged.
So, they tried some anti-inflammatories and nutraceuticals (Cosequin-Glucosamine Chondroitin) and it brought the swelling down, but not the lameness. It hurt Teri to see Coco carrying her leg and didn't want to wait so long that the muscles started to atrophy...so she took Coco to see an orthopedic specialist.
Although til the vet gets inside to take a real look around, we don't know for sure, but he thinks she may have torn the outside ligaments supporting the knee and if surgery isn't done, then the inside ligaments will be under more strain and could tear, too.
She does have a Grade II/IV lateral patellar luxation on that leg, and a mild Grade I on the right leg, but it had never given her any problems before she injured it. The vet said they may have to deepen the groove the kneecap rests in, but again, won't know until he can examine the structure. If you want to learn more about the problem
Patellar Luxation
Patellar Luxation Surgery
As Cornish Rex are so active and athletic, it would be sad to have to confine Coco and restrict her activity just to avoid this very expensive surgery. While there will be about 8 weeks of confinement for Coco while she is recovering, Teri said she will follow the vet's instructions to help ensure a successful outcome.
Teri did qualify for CareCredit, so she will be able to pay off Coco's bill over 6 months with no interest, and more good news, the health insurance Teri gets through work changed to a different company in November and they will reimburse her for her therapy visits without having to meet a deductible and instead of getting $50 back, she will get $150 back, so that extra money will help with Coco's surgery expense, too!
Coco will go to work with Teri every day and then stay in the 'kitten tent' at home. The vet will instruct Teri on how to do 'physical therapy' at home and Coco will go back for progress exams and xrays at 4 and 8 weeks post surgery.
And unlike a kitty with long furs, Coco's leg already looks like a drumstick so she may even be able to continue her Fashion Friday photo shoots, hahameow! And we will keep you updated on Coco's recovery right here on our blog!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Disco's Birthday!
MeWowZa! Disco is 7 today! They say 7 is a very lucky number and we know we are lucky to have Disco to love, sniff and snooze with!
Disco didn't come into our life until he was about 7 months old, but we do have some kitten pix of him that his breeder sent us...here they are!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Toesies Tuesday!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Mancat Monday--Disco's Diet 'n More!
Ummm. we almost skipped posting about Disco's diet today cuz, well, ummm...Disco put on few ounces during the Holiday...
But both Disco (and Teri) will get back on track this week and hope to have better results to report by next Monday! Despite the lovely crisp, sunny weather...no strollering or walking was done by either Disco or Teri.
Teri did finally finish up her card writing and hanging the rest of the ornaments on our little tree yesterday morning, while we snuggled on our Christmas pillow or inside the Blankie Bag Teri made for us!
Teri gave us our Christmas breakfast (shrimps and chicken sticks) but we turned our noses up at that, which surprised her...she said she thinks she'll stick with baby food next Xmas, or maybe Crab Cakes, hahameow! She didn't let us have any of the Greenies Treats though...maybe we were holding out for them!!
Teri spent the evening with friends on Christmas Day and here's a few pix of the gathering...everyone was full of good cheer and food!
And not to leave out our other chubby mancat, here's some photos of TomTom enjoying his Man Cave!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry (Meowee) Christmas (Kittymas)
Caturday Saturday, Christmas Eve Edition...
Well, all this preparation for Christmas...and it's almost here! Teri still has a dozen cards to send out (guess they will be New Years Cards, hahameow) but for the first time since our Daddy died, she really wanted to get back into the spirit of friendship and keeping in touch.
She is going to spend Christmas Day with friends who have a kitty from us! Her name is Candi (with an i, hahameow) and boy, is she a Diva! She is Queen of the house and likes it that way! Here's a pix of her as Ms Claws!
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Fashion Friday 'n More
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thankful Thursday...Our review of NOse Offense!
Way back in October, we were asked if we would be interested in using and reviewing a new odor eliminator. See, we aren't only behind in visiting furriends but also on our duties as Testers and Reviewers of various pet care items!