Another fine photo of Percy Campbell, of the fancy fireplace fame, enjoying his equally fancy cat perch and screened in catio!
Well, all our followers who were waiting for a newsy Simply Sunday post, have once again had to wait until Wednesday to see what we've been up to all week...
Teri got so busy down in the basement on Sunday getting our 'bird watching station' back in order, that is was about 9pm when she finally came upstairs, all tuckered out. Disco was kinda pissed we guess, cuz he sprayed on the door that leads down to the basement...
On Saturday, she gave our backyard birdie and squirelly recreational area a Spring Cleaning! She blew away leaves, she planted some grass seed (which she said will probably fail to thrive like most plants in her care) and she was happy to see that the butterfly bushes and hydrangea and coral bells had survived the winter...but the vinca looked deaded but she didn't pull it up, just in case...
She had the nerve to tell us that we missed out on seeing the first Robin Red Breast of the year, as well as a cute Chippymunk! Sure, make us drool, why don't you! If we knew how to bake, we'd make a cheesecake and then tell her that she missed out in it cuz we ate all of it!
Here's some pix of what we missed!
Maybe this weekend, she will take a nap with all of us, kittens included, and see if they manage not to 'wet the bed' or get laid on by Disco, hahameow!
Sometimes, the momma cats get nervous when she can't keep a close eye on them at this age, and sometimes momcats get upset with all the cats around her kids.
Right now, Teri monitors them pretty close when they are out with the other kitties cuz they's just bebes!Little Cheddar used to be kinda shy, but not any more! More often than not, when WWF fights are in progress, he isn't on the bottom, as you can see in this short video:
Last year, I attended the very first BlogPaws Conference and came away feeling energized and optomistic. That feeling has lasted all year when it comes to helping animals...
And we (Teri, Disco and Brighton) will be at the BlogPaws Conference being held right near us this year, in August. We are very excited to meet so many of the people and pets we blog with, as well as hear some great speakers who blog, too!
Today, BlogPaws, Be The Change for Pets and World Vets, an organization that provides veterinary aid around the world, are joining paws to assist World Vets in their extremely important work. World Vets first response team is in Japan now!
Be the Change for Pets is asking the online pet community to help raise funds and awareness for the World Vets efforts.
How can you help?
Donate to World Vets either from the BlogPaws page (the Chip In button is legit and all the money goes to World Vets and it's fun to watch the total grow!) or you can go directly to the World Vets page and donate from there (and keep up with their updates, too).
Today, they are already half way to their goal of raising $50K to help World Vets in their vital efforts. Your help in donating or spreading the word can ensure they reach their goal!
And, for more FUNraising, Sparkle, The Designer Cat, is having a Commentathon to raise green papers for the animals affected by the disaster in Japan! What a pawsome thing to do! She will donate $1 for every comment left on her blog today...so rush right over and you will be helping the animals in Japan, too!Photo credit CNN.com: Two women walk in a tsunami devastated street in Hishonomaki, Miyagi Prefecture, on March 15, 2011.
We missed posting over the weekend...Teri was overwhelmed with the disaster in Japan and she couldn't focus on anything except watching the TV, Twittering, Facebooking and trying to stay hopeful for all affected by the earthquake and tsunami.
It makes her heart swell with emotion to see the Cat and Dog Blogosphere come together with donations and sharing of information. Teri has 2 friends in Japan and they are both safe, but much sadness surrounds them and she sends them and everyone hurting, strong, healing thoughts.
Life goes on here at the CurlieSwirlie house...Teri still working on the basement but she said she is closing in on being able to open it up to us kitties again! Yay! No pictures this week, as most of the work she did down there was cleaning out cupboards and drawers and tossing stuff out or in a box to donate. This coming weekend, she's going to dig into that messy storage area and then have room to put the tools and stuff that's piled in the middle of the floor still.
It was nice weather on Saturday, and we got to sniff the air and Disco even snuck out onto the deck when Teri was BBQ'ing, but she hustled him back inside real quick. Since the kittens won't be needing the 'kitten tent' any longer, Teri might put it out on the deck for us to get some fresh airs and sunshine from time to time. Disco said to be sure to include this photo of him in his leopard print bed so Stella O'Houligan can have her Disco fix!
It's supposed to be nice weather this coming weekend, too and we are hoping we might get our first stroller outing of the year! In between napping and snacking, of course! Teri bought us another new toy this weekend, after reading about it on ThePetConnection! She didn't know the Premier company made fun cat toys too, but we love their 'Come with Me' Bungee leashes! Such a great idea!
She bought us a Funkitty Doorway Dangli! She filled it with t/d kibble and hung it in the guest bedroom doorway and so far we have ignored it except for a sniff or two.
But she said she thinks it will be fun, and it said you can even stuff it with Nip! We already have some fresh leaves sprouting on the plants outside...that'll be a real treat and lo-cal too, Disco!!
Kiki is all recuperated from her spay and she already seems happier and less 'hormonal'. It took her longer than a youngster to bounce back from her surgery but her stitches are out now and she is putting on weight again.
Sammy was neutered last week and time will tell if he will mellow, stop spraying and get along with the rest of the cats in the house. Teri isn't apprehensive but full of positive vibes as she wants him to be a happy 'retiree'. Sammy will be 10 years old this year and certainly deserves to retire and kick back!
The little Cheeseballs are growing and changing before our eyes! Last weekend, their nest box got replaced by one with an open end, so they could start to venture round the kitten tent.
They also dug right in to the canned kitten food that Coco is eating! Usually, kittens start eating after stepping in a plate of food and licking their paws, or with a little finger feeding help from Teri. Both Cheddar and Colby dug in like little steam shovels!
After a couple of days of 'tent play' the Cheeseballs were itching for more stimulation, so on Sunday they 'graduated to the big bathroom. Brighton snoopervised Teri getting the bathroom ready for them!
For those of you on Facebook, there is a new group, Japan Earthquake Animal Rescue and Support, that is reporting new about the animals affected by the earthquake.
Think this would be just the ticket to help Disco lose weight!
Well...another week has flown like a birdie and Teri says it's been a good day to stay inside--Raining woofies and meowzers out there! Better than snow, though!