Monday, May 30, 2011
Always Remember...Memorial Day 2011
Teri always does this post every Veteran's Day on her 'human' blog...but today we thought we would ask her to post it her on our cat blog today, cuz not many of our cat furrends follow Teri's blog (we keep her too busy with our blog for her to do much with hers!)...
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Cat Art Sunday...
Friday, May 27, 2011
Caturday Saturday--Kitten Scam!
I have one that will make you cry. I am a Marine who has been deployed 3 times to Iraq. I am still in the service and wanted kittens since my deployment cycle has stopped for the time being. I went on to http://www.olx.com and looking for kittens.
It’s is heartbreaking that I have served my country to defend the rights of this person. It is truly discouraging and shakes the very foundation of what I have to have with the person to my left and to my right in combat. It’s amazing how people like this have the rights they do in our country. I know I’ll never use classified ads or any thing other than seeing something in person ever again.
Frootbat Friday 'n More...
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Simply Sunday Mornin, Mother's Day, and More!
Here we go again...
We thought that once a week posting to our blog was a sad statement as to the performance of our secretary, but as our followers know...it's gotten worse! It's been a month since a mewsy repurrt, even though we think Teri did a good job with the Easter Lily post, it was a repost from last Easter! And well, we think Duncan did all the work on the cute video post and Teri can't take any credit for that!Thanks to all our fans for stickin with us with our infrequent updates...Teri says she's gonna improve, but time will tell! Besides workin' on the basement and gettin' out in the garden, she is in the middle of interviewing for a new LVT where she works (that's one of the persons who pokes us at the vets, hahameow).

In cleaning up the closets in the basement, she decided to donate some of our old cat beds, litterboxes, carriers and toys to two local rescue groups,
We got a little confused cuz our foods got moved from the guest bathroom (Disco can't eat dry food cuz he's on a diet, so she hides it in the guest bathroom for the rest of us to snack on from time to time) into her bathroom as she thought maybe Erin would appurrciate it if she didn't have to step on dry crunchies, as we sort of are messy eaters.
Here are some photos of the fun all us cats and Teri had with Erin:

This is a small portion of huge crocheted Coral Reef--an amazing exhibit at the Smithsonian

Teri enjoying the white sangria at her favorite restaurant, Jaleo in Washington, DC.
Erin with her new favorite beverage, too!
and the delightful flan we shared for dessert at Jaleo
And another scrumptious dessert, something with blueberries , at Leopold's in Georgetown.
The 2 families waiting for them came for another visit last weekend and we all just laid on the floor and let them play around us! Of course, Disco got lots of attention too, and purred his rumbliest purrs with happiness! Brighton 'porpoised' and loved on everyone, and Coco did her usual shoulder riding performance (umm, she bites hair, too...). Kiki made an appearance or two, just to make sure she didn't miss out on anything.
And just cuz we know Ms Stella can't live without seeing Disco from time to time, here's a pix for her...Disco says she can join him in the 'Tunnel of Love'!!
And us CurlieSwirlie cats had another visitor that day, too! Our friend Carol, from
came over to help Teri with a few '2-person' jobs and to pet on us a bunch, and she stayed for dinner---yummy BBQ'd steaks, grilled peppers and artichokes with butter (well, we didn't get any of the noms, but those two humans sure were purrin').
Then Carol went through our closet of cat clothes (really just a storage box) to pick out something girly for her one girl cat, Maus to wear to
in August. We had to laff n laff when she said 'Everything's Pink!'...Oh, Carol! Don't buy any pearls, we have a few different styles to choose from in necklaces, too!
But things kinda went south on Sunday, when lil Cheddar threw up, then had the squirts in the litter box. Teri gave him some tummy meds and took both Cheddar & Colby in to work with her on Monday. With the help of the vets, doing some tests and some medicine, too...they both were feeling fine again by Friday.
They didn't have any intestinal parasites, no bacterial overgrowth, no sign of a virus (no fever and normal CBC) so we don't really know what made them sick (could be just the little bit of stress from having visitors? Or maybe even time to stop snacking at the 'Milk Bar') but Teri was glad she could take them into work with her each day and monitor them closely.
And today is Mother's Day and for all our complaining, we do think Teri is great cat mom and we know she is purroud of us...just look at her car which shows everyone she is a 'Cat Mom'! (Click on the photo to biggify it).
She took us out strollering this weekend, too. She took Disco and Brighton to the
yesterday (it should have been called a Pee-esta as it was mostly doggies there and well, you know how they are!) but it was fun and we got to see Dr Fern, who Teri used to work with. She had a booth with Ingrid King, of
Dr Fern makes human and cat jewelry out of stones and crystals that have special ways of making the person or cat wearing it feel good. She gave Brighton and Disco one of those special stones to attach to their collars.
Then today, Teri took Coco and Kiki out for their very first stroll, and they went about 2 miles and they loved it! Teri said she thinks she could get 4 of us into the AT3, so maybe next weekend we all can have an outing!