Friday, May 27, 2011

Frootbat Friday 'n More...

Meow! Almost 3 weeks since our last mewsy post! And we haven't visited our furrends bloggies in furrever! So, today we surrounded Teri and sat her down to do some work for us, for a change!

We learned that Carm had to let Sunny fly free...he was such a handsome and sweet boycat. And that Samson had to be helped to the bridge, too. And that Tommy lost his battle with heart disease and crossed the bridge. We send our heartfelt purrs to their humans...

We missed Miss Peach's Blogoversary and Suki's birthday, too. We are glad to hear that Eric & Flynn's mum is home and they are being good 'nursecats' for her. And we are glad that Gino found his way back home, too.

Thanks, ML & the Cat Blogosphere for keeping us in touch even when we can't visit much! We will try to do better about visiting, but Teri has been so busy we don't even see her sitting at the computer much these days!

Everyone is busy outside now in their gardens, we do know that. Some people even take 'Blogcations' during the summer cuz there is so much to do outside! Teri says while some chores, like scoopin the boxes and cleaning the house, are never ending, she is getting some things done that actually can get crossed off the 'list' and soon she'll have more time to blog again!

She spent last Friday powerwashing the house and deck, then 8 hours Saturday staining the underside of the deck. She wants to finish the top of it on Monday, her extra day off this week cuz of Memorial Day! Soon that job will be crossed off the list, too!

She did take some time off for fun on Sunday though and went to a garden, of all places, with a friend. Then they stopped for some yummy Mexican food and since Teri wasn't driving, she had to indulge with a marvelous Margarita. Here's some photos she took at

And she is finished with interviewing for a Vet Tech and the new LVT started yesterday and all the staff love her already! So, that's crossed off her list! They are having a new website made and there will be photos of all the staff and their cats on it, so yesterday Disco got to go in for his 'photo shoot'...we guess he got picked cuz he makes people and cats (like the Admiral and Stella) swoon when they see him...

Then the guy in the brown shorts delivered some packages to us cats yesterday, so that kinda made up for Disco getting to be a 'Star'...

We were invited to 'test drive' a couple of new things and we love our new SunnySeat Perch! We even liked the box it came in! Teri tried a couple of places to see if we had a preference and here's some photos of us testing them out!

Teri likes the fact that the perch is a nice hammock instead of a flat, hard surface, and that the canvas cover comes off to wash if needed. And she likes that they are unobtrusive and don't block the view out the windows. And that they don't take up any floor space either.

We like that we have a new place to watch the people and doggies and birdies outside and that we can curl up and nap on them comfortably, too. We all give them a 4-Paw rating, that's A+ in human lingo!

And Teri can't remember which blogger invited us to try the 'As Seen On TV' ShedMonster, but two of them arrived yesterday, too! We kinda said HaHaMeow even though it said 'Great for cats too!' but Teri said she remembered telling them that our cats are either nude or have very short furs, but that she had some cat and dog friends who would try them out and report back.

So she gave one to our pet sitter who has lotsa doggies and kitties with furrs and she is letting the VET try one out at the Cat Hospital on the kitties that visit there! We will let you know how they work...

And we know you are all wondering if we have gotten to go down in the basement yet...NO! But Teri is having a party on June 18th and inviting all the people at the cat hospital where she works to have an 'Open Basement' celebration and she tells us the door will be flung open, never to be shut again! The only dogs that are invited are Chili Dogs, hahameow!

She's hoping we don't get miffed that there is an introoder outside that she has named TomTom and that we (um, Disco and Coco) don't start at first she said we will be 'monitored' when we are watching 'Cat TV' down there.

Oh...and the turtle, TuuTuu, has returned again, too! Yep, Teri saw him snacking on TomTom's dry kibble this morning! Cute, huh?!

And finally...kitten update! Colby and Cheddar (aka Harry & William) are little can-mats now, 15 weeks old, got neutered and microchipped on Wednesday. Teri is getting their 'Kitten Care Kits' together and then she will deliver them to their new families in Annapolis, Maryland on June 5th. She will send them with a CD of all their pictures and enough tinsel balls to keep them entertained til they 'hide' them all.

Things might be a little quiet after they leave their birth home here, but it will mean more purrsonal time with Teri without having to share the limelight with those little houligans! Here's a couple of the latest photos:

Well, that's all the mews from Curlz and Swirlz...we hope we can visit some of your bloggies tonight while Teri's watching a movie! She is going to something called a Wine Tasting tomorrow and then on Sunday she's going to visit Duncan and his family (remember, he's the iPad Painting kitty) and then go with them to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie...sounds busy but fun (we'll nap and scan the outdoors from our SunnySeats while she's gone!)

Disclaimer: We are happy to be a part of the product reviews for The Sunny Seat and The Shed Monster, and we did receive free product to use and review, and keep! However, all of the opinions about the product are ours and not dictated in any way by the company.


  1. Such a lovely garden area. I am so jealous of your sunshine!

  2. Whew, you all have a lot going on there! Thanks for catching us up on all of your news. We agree, the Cat Blogosphere is the greatest for keeping up with stuff when you are busy!

  3. What are te cats sitting on in the 1st picture. Looks cool!

  4. Yow! A lot of stuff has been happening with you guys! Wonderful pic-shers all around. The little can-mats sure are cuties :)

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

  5. That is a LOT of news from you guys! It sounds like you are all doing well, even if your human has been a little too busy to keep up with the blog. But tell her she needs to improve in the future - gotta keep those humans on their toes!

    (Nobody has to keep us kitties on OUR toes - we already walk like that!)

  6. Wow... this was a novel. We had to take a snack break and a L box break halfway through.
    So much stuff going on , but it is all so good.
    Those pictures of Mr Disckers are haha wonderful and wow so manly. I am sure he made more than Missie Stella and Missie Hestorbieflowerpants swoon and faint.

    Best wishes to Wills and Harry. They are going to have the best life, a new place to have adventures.

    hmmm I wish we heard form the other kits more often... especially Miles' brothers

    TuuTuu the turtle is really cute. Wow

    bonks for a happy week-end <3

  7. Thanks for the well wishes and
    Thanks for being our friend.

  8. Wow, your place has been busy fer a while! We love the new windowsill seat.

  9. Yay for Teri crossing off things from her list!!

    Awww beautiful Cheddar and Colby are so grown and fabulous!! Me and Charlie will miss them but are so so so so glad they are going to wonderful families who will love them as we all have done!!

    Yay for Tuutuu the Turtle too! LOL!!

    Take care

  10. the deck looks great! :D and the photo of Teri and Disco is really nice. :) OMG, Disco has lost so much weight!

    and OMG, the SunnySeat looks so cool! i wonder if they ship internationally... D:

    Colby & Chedder have grown up so much.... i hope they love their new home, but i'm sure they will. Teri, you're such an awesome, responsible breeder! i wish more breeders were as awesome as you!

  11. HOLY CATS! That's a lotta news, and it's all GREAT! We always like a good newsy post. We think you are all going to really enjoy thundering around the basement and having Teri all to yourselves...though we will miss seeing kittens. Mommy says the botanical gardens were spectacular!


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