Today is Remember Me Thursday.
It is the day we should all pause a moment as give thought to the shelter pets waiting for forever homes, sometimes for years...
And to think of those who have been lost, never to find love again...
There is much sadness and horror in the world today, but there is also much kindness. It is the kindness that keeps us going and give us hope...
Each year, over 3.4 million pets in shelters lose their lives without ever having a second chance at happiness. And only 30% of owned pets came from shelters or rescue organizations. While we can't change the lives of all of them, we can change the life of even just one...
So today, if each of us would do something, anything, that would help make a difference in even one homeless pets life, then you would 'Be The Light'...
And by remembering those who have been lost, we can shine a light on the ones we can save!
One of Teri's biggest commitments is to the cats she has brought into this world, and she has been there for those kitties through thick and thin (and right now, times are pretty thin since Teri lost her job). But that did not make her waver in her 'Being the Light' for Kely and Bebe and Carlos and Zeuss and Al...
She knows they will find the perfect forever homes with her help, and she is just Thankful on this Thursday that they did not end up in a shelter, and that they did not become one of those millions that we are remembering today...
Get involved and become a part of this world-wide awareness movement by sharing on social media. If animal lovers unite around the world, we can make a difference!
To learn more about The Helen Woodward Animal Center and their involvement in this event, as well as Home 4 the Holidays and The International Pet Adoptathon, please click on this link
Ps: The photo in our post today was taken in our living room and just so you know...those are faux candles that have batteries to make the 'flame' flicker and glow. They are the only safe candles to have around us kitties!
And don't forget to Hop today, too...
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