Thursday, October 31, 2013
Happy Halloween, HahaMeow!
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Wordless Wednesday, Halloween Edition!
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
T'ocktober Tuesday
We know this is an recycled post from back in 2011, but when we were looking through our photo albums for the purrfect 'tocks pix, we think it's hard to beat this one, Hahameow!
Someone said it looked like a Pork Chop, we think it looks like a Turkey drumstick . . . but Teri said she knows a Ham when she sees one . . . so we knew it had to be our 'Tocktober photo entry! And just in the nick of time, too!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
ManCat Monday...Kitten Style
But we know how much everyone loves kitten pix, so here's some photos of a few of the boy kittens that were born in our house in years past...Do we hear squeeing?
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
It's almost November...not too many sunpuddles around now...
We have fond memories of warm bellies still...
And we know the sunny days will come again...
Til then, it's burrow time!
Oh, don't forget to Hop!
Monday, October 21, 2013
Toesday Tuesday
For all the fans of Disco, here's some pix of his Sphynx-y toes, which are kind of like little cushions!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
ManCat Monday
You might think this is Sammy, the oldest ManCat in our house...
But it's Monkey, who was the very first Daddy Cat at Furry Dance Cattery...
When he retired, Teri found a home for him where he lived a good life...but when he was 13 years old, he had to be helped to The Bridge because of a tumor behind his eye.
Teri is glad he got to enjoy retirement for many years, and a second family to love him and cared for him so well...
Friday, October 18, 2013
Caturday Saturday
Saturday Sunpuddles are the Best!
Well, they are good on any day!
And if you can get up from the Sunpuddle you are in...
Don't forget to Hop!
Frootbat Friday... Revisited
We know, most of our pix could qualify for Frootbat pix any day of the week, but Teri has fun looking for the best ones in her album, MOL. She thought this one would make everyone laugh out loud!
Here's a pix of him with normal ears...well, as normal as FB ears can be.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Thankful Thursday, Turtle Style
Teri had some time to let us on the computer and Hop Around and visit some new blogs for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop, and we visited Underneath The Shell! We have never seen a turtle and these turtles live in Indonesia, so we will never meet.
But Teri told them a funny turtle story and she wanted to share the photos with them, so she is writing this post for our blog.
This turtle (we don't know what kind it is) was nibbling on the kibble that Teri puts out for the feral kitties!
And here it is taking a dip in the water bowl...perfect wading depth!
When she looked outside, what did she see but the turtle in the bowl, nibbling on some tuna! He (or she) even chased off a squirrel! Hungry, Thankful and Brave Turtle, HahaMeow!
Teri says that Disco reminds her of a turtle sometimes, and we think you can see why in this foto, HahaMeow!
Oh, and don't forget to Hop!
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Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Wordless Wednesday
In appurrciation of National Feral Cat Day, we wanted to share some photos of Mama Katz, the feral that's been hanging out in our backyard from time to time for the past 3 years!
You might remember that she had babies underneath our front porch, and Teri trapped Mama K and had her spayed. Here's a link to our post with news about them way back in June 2010: http://furrydancecats.blogspot.com/2010/06/brighton-update-and-stray-mama-cat-n.html
You remember Tom Tom, too, who was probably the father to the kittens as they were all orange, too.
He would chase Mama K off so we rarely saw her...but now that he has disappeared, Mama K is here every day in the morning usually, waiting for her bowl of food!
Teri gave away the heated dog house and ant proof bowl, but she will get them back from her friend and hopefully Mama K will start using the house when the weather turns cold...
It is a rough life out there for the feral cats, but Teri is glad she can help make Mama K's life a little easier...
Oh, and don't forget to Hop!
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Simply Sunday Morning
Brighton here... Teri entered this photo in the CVCA Photo Contest and I'd really appurrciate it if you would go and vote for me, every day til November 1st if you can remempurr.
But you have to be on Facebook to be able to join in this contest...
When I was a wee kitten, the vet could hear a hear murmur and the family who was waiting to adopt me was afraid to fall in love with me...
So Teri took me to CVCA (Chesapeake Veterinary Cardiology Associates) for the experts to do an ultrasound of my heart. They found I had 3 leaky heart valves and that's what was making the murmuring sound.
They told Teri since I was just 4 months old, if I was their cat they would wait until I was 1 year old and do the ultrasound then, as I may grow out of it. But Teri wanted to be able to tell this family waiting for me what my problem was...
Well, since it was too early to tell if I would get worse or better, and because Teri was going to spay my mommy Dolly, this nice family asked if they could adopt Dolly instead, cuz they had fallen in love with her while they were watching me grow up!
The rest is history...Teri kept me, Teri fell in love with me, and the animal communicator told her that I was her 'Heart' cat, Bo, reincarnated and was here to watch over her and the rest of the cat family!
My murmuring sound went away, and I am a big, healthy ManCat now...as you can see!
Anyway, here is the link to the photo contest http://a.pgtb.me/sHx0hF and if you follow us on Facebook, Teri will post a daily reminder (if she remembers, HahaMeow!) to help you remember to vote for me every day!
Oh, and here's the link to our Facebook page, too! https://www.facebook.com/curlzandswirlz
Friday, October 11, 2013
Caturday Saturday
Brighton likes to drink out of the faucet. He has FIC and he almost went to the Bridge because of a urinary blockage in June 2010.
Teri encourages him to drink lots of water! We have a Pagoda Fountain and Sink Drinks, but as you can tell, Brighton likes to SIT in the Sink to Drink, HahaMeow!
Hope your Saturday is full of fun Caturday things to do, too! Oh, and don't forget to Hop!
Frootbat Friday!
It's been a while since we did a Frootbat Friday!
In the above photo, Sammy's Frootbats are napping, HahaMeow!
And here we have Brighton. His Frootbats are bright and alert, just like his copper colored eyes!
And for a nice effect, Coco's ears cast quite a lovely shadow, don't you think?!
And finally, Disco has cute little ear muffs on his Frootbats, HahaMeowZa!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Wordless Wednesday!
Carlos, snoozing happily in his new home!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
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