Here it is Sunday evening already and even after trying to catch up with visiting our bloggy friends, we are only to the 'D's'. Teri says she'll never catch up. She tries, but as you can tell, she hasn't even undecorated from Christmas yet! (And Disco is still stuck at 15# but he got up on the tree, hahameow!)
We haven't posted in a week, and part of the reason was Teri was kinda worried about Tom Tom. After she brought him home from his neutering on Monday (he was also deflea'd with Frontline Plus and given an injection for ear mites and ear tipped, too), she wanted to keep him in the trap overnight but he was fretting to get out and had peed on the bathmat in the trap and she thought he might be warmer hunkered down where ever he usually spends the night, so she let him out.
He took off at a run around the corner and out of sight...and he stayed out of sight until Thursday! Our vet said he was more than likely just hunkered down as a feral would do if he was 'injured' but no kitty came and ate the food in the shelter until Wednesday and Teri wasn't sure who had the snack then either. And we had snow on Tuesday and it's been cold since then, too and she hated to think about him hungry and cold.He did weigh in at 14# when he was neutered, so he did have quite a bit to fall back on if he didn't eat for a day or two, but any longer than that and it's not good for a kitty as they can develop liver disease.
But she has seen him every day since Thursday and he looks good, if a little thinner. Here's a photo she took of him yesterday...
Teri worked on Friday as the cat hospital was short staffed, so she missed sleeping in with us that morning , so we had to entertain ourselves with one of Stacy Hurt's special catnip birdies (we've hidden the other one to eat later, hahameow!) But later, Teri came home and took a nap with us at night, before her long in-the-dark nap.
And it's been sunny and we have been soaking up the winter rays, as well as burrowing under our cat beds, too. Teri even turns one upside down so we get real cozy under it since it's on a heat pad, kinda like an Igloo!
The snow has turned into ice and it's pretty crusty outside. So Teri's been spreading birdseed around on the frozen snow for the birdies to eat.
All seemed calm and bright until this morning, when Coco jumped up on the bathroom sink and Teri noticed a tiny blob of bloody discharge on her vulva. She could still feel the babies kicking, and Coco was acting fine but Teri got worried. Coco still has 7-10 days to go before her 'due date' and if the kittens came now, they wouldn't survive.
She had already set up the kittening tent in the bedroom so she got Coco all settled in there and just stuck close to her for a while and she didn't see any more most of the rest of the day she and Coco have been snuggling on the bed while she works on our blog and visits our bloggy friends.
A couple came to visit us for the first time (they are waiting for one of Coco's kittens). They seemed very nice, but they have 6 kitties (2 Cornish Rex) and Teri would like to visit their home and meet their kitties to help her decide if they would make a good home for one of our kitties. Teri let them and the other 4 people waiting for babies know that Coco is showing some signs that make Teri anxious but that she will keep everyone updated as the days pass.
Can you all keep Coco and her babies in your thoughts and purr some soothing, healing purrs for her...we believe in the Power of the Purr. There are a lot of kitties out there we are purrin for, KC and Annie and Au and MoMo and Georgie and Bubbles...Rumbly and Soft and Drooly Purrs (some of us drool when we purr real hard) to all of them from all of us!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Another Simply Sunday Morning...
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Simply Sunday Morning...Afternoon...Evening
Oh, the weatherperson was way off this weekend and we are happy to say we have been soaking up the sun and Teri even took a nap with us this afternoon, so we shared our 'sunpuddle' with her, hahameow!
Oh, Stella...this is where your woman & Disco will be canoodling come Cherry Blossom time!

And after a sun bath? Time for a little grooming--if you biggify this photo, you'll see Coco even attends to the very tip of her tail, while holding it with her paw, keeping her marcels in place!

A while back, we won a contest over at Paws and Effect, the very informative and helpful cat blog we follow. It took some time an finding just the right spot for our set of four Catty Stacks to entice us! We ignored them in the bedroom; only sniffed them in the living room; but when Teri put them in the kitchen right next to our resting perch where we can soak up the rays...we decided they were fun and a nice place to lay in the sun or curl up inside.
The other big news of the weekend is about TomTom, the feral mancat Teri has been trying to capture since last April! Here's a photo of him inside the 'feeding station' taken from inside the house through the screen door.

But this morning...Success! Teri saw him in the feeding station and went outside and set the trap, and he went in the trap to eat and the door shut behind him! He banged up his nose a bit trying to escape but Teri moved the trap and set it over the heating pad that was in the feeding station, surrounded it with an old shower curtain and old bath mats to protect him from the wind.

She even managed to squirt some Advantage on his ears (hope that works as there is no fur there...she never could have gotten it on the skin of his neck!) since he is probably covered in fleas, just like Mama Katz was when Teri trapped her this spring--yay for her getting spayed and not having to raise any more babies!.
Teri has finally boxed up most of the auction prizes and will start mailing them out tomorrow! Sorry for the delay, but hope each and every one of you enjoys your prize and knowing that you helped Brighton out, too! He insisted on including a little Nip and some of his favorite toy, Tinsel PomPoms. And a Pawtographed photo , too! If you would like to remember how you helped Brighton, please take this badge we made to say Thank You to all of you who supported his Yule Tide FunRaiser!

Thursday, January 20, 2011
Thankful Thursday
I am always THANKFUL when I get an email and pix from one of Furrydance's 'Extended Family'!
We often look at your blog and then we remind ourselves that if we send you pics, others could see our pretty girls.
Twiggy has been good on the seizures she went 5 whole months without one, we thought maybe she was finally stopping, but she has had 2 in the last 2 months. Wishful thinking.
Ruby continues to be quite a handful. She still sleeps under Susan's arm at night and continues to scream for no apparent reason. She really likes to run and play with the “kittens” we wound up keeping, for a lack of a good home. Living with 7 cats is quite a challenge.
Then we still feed our 3 outside feral girls who have a home with us. WE really didn’t start out to be the crazy cat people but they chose us sooooo, the only downside is we have not been able to take a vacation in the last 2 years. With 3 cats on medication it’s tough, we don’t have the heart to board them and we don’t know anyone who would stay at our house, but you know, we make choices, and they bring us a lot of joy.
Have a great day,
Susan and Gary
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Wordless Wednesday

Friday, January 14, 2011
Fashion Friday 'n More
Hi Furriends! For all of you patiently waiting for your auction prizes to, they aren't lost--they are all sitting right here on our house still. Teri wanted to make sure she got the right prize to the right place and well, like she told Gracie, her brain kinda felt like it was made of scrambled eggs when she tried to get all the details straight. She has great admiration for all the work that Gracie does every month with these FunRaising Auctions!
But she thinks it's all done now and she will work on packaging all the items up and getting them out to everyone soon! We know how hard it is to be on the 'waiting end' of getting your purresents and we are furry sorry for the delay! Oh, we got one more cash donation after the Auction closed, too! It was from Teri's therapist--she donated her fee for a therapy session because she knew all about Brighton and the auction and the wonderful CB support, and Teri has even helped her with finding a new puppy and dealing with a poodle breeder lady. Teri hopes it all works out for the best, as her therapist is very sad without a doggie to keep her company.
And, since the title of this post was Fashion Friday, here are Brighton and Disco in their newest outfits! Teri has known Carla, of Meow-Wear for many years and finally she asked her to make a custom made shirt for Brighton. Since his nickname is Surfer Dude, she wanted something 'Beachy' in theme and when Carla sent her photos of the fabric she found, Teri liked both of them so much she had her make one of each. Disco's will fit better when he is down to 12# and Brighton's fit's perfectly. Teri said she thinks Brighton looks like Don Johnson from Miami Vice, and hahameow, Disco reminds her of that chubby TV detective,
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
These two sweetie pies are Furrydance Lola & Furrydance Furlinghetti, who live close by with the other snugglebuddy, Slick the Sphynx! Teri got to spend Christmas Day with them and their pawrent, Kaye.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Caturday Saturday!
Well...did ya miss us? Our Teri has been busy helping Gracie out with Brighton's Yule Tide Auction and we haven't been able to visit any of our furriends cuz she's been on the computer workin! We have visited a few of you, to thank you for supporting the auction, but we have on our to-do list to do something a little fun and special for each of you...
Gracie said Teri helped her so much that she wants her to write out 'instructions' to assist future 'cats-in-need' when they have an auction! Gracie said Teri was so organized and right on top of things, and that she got lots fewer emails with questions this auction. Teri got right on that...Pawing it Forward so to speak.
We are actually still getting donations, even though the auction is over! Gracie said Brighton's Auction was the most successful one and brought in more green papers than any she can remember. We here at Curlz and Swirlz are on Cloud 9, and feel like we've all been rolling in the Nip, we are so high with happiness!
We all had a very special Christmas because of you who came to Brighton's aid! It was fun to have the house decorated for the holidays again and listen to Christmas Music (Teri, did you hide that Meowy Christmas CD?). Even our petsitter said they all had fun while watching us over New Years weekend, looking all around the house and finding all the decorations Teri put out everywhere!
She and Brighton had fun visiting friends in North Carolina over the New Years weekend--you know, Percy and Brinkley's house with that lovely fireplace, screened in porch and super cat tree!