Fifi heads off to her new home tomorrow, and I think her buddy Brighton is going to miss her! Here's a cute video of them playing with the Christmas present a friend gave them and it's rather entertaining, for cat and human alike!
We want to thank everyone who submitted a photo for Brighton's Christmas Photo FUNraiser and we are glad we aren't the one having to pick a winner...that would be furry hard to do! Twenty-six photos were submitted and each one was Holiday Fun and raised another $80!! We are so furtunate to have furriends who love a kitty they have never met, but feel like they know Brighton because we are CB family.
And now into the final week of Brighton's Yule Tide Auction...the bidding action is purrity fast and furrious, and so fun to see what our furriends have donated and who wants what....furry exciting! And it'll be like Christmas all over again for some lucky winners! Brighton said he'd include a pawtigraphed photo with each item and maybe even some furrs for those girls who would like to sniff a little Eau de Brighton, hahameow!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Tortie Tuesday! Co-Starring Brighton!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Christmas Eve Movie & Christmas Day Fancy Feast...

Friday, December 24, 2010
Wishing EveryCat a Jolly Christmas!
We are Merry!

Sunday, December 19, 2010
Santa's Little Elves?
Poor Teri came down with a URI (a cold virus, hahameow) on Wednesday and her nightstand looks like a shelf at a drug store...but she is feeling better and has been finishing up decorating the house, doing a little shopping (no gifts this year, just donations to her two favorite rescues--Tabby's Place and Best Friends Sanctuary) and watching Brighton's Yule Tide Auction--which is very exciting!! She even bought a couple more ornaments at TJ Maxx to donate to the auction!
She keeps threatening to pull out all the Holiday outfits and take some photos of us...but the only ones she's talked into that so far was silly Fifi and 'It's all Attention' Sammy! But we will have to say, she does look adorable in this new sweater and Sammy looks like he's ready for the 'Apres Ski Party' in that comical hat!
She has Mrs Claus outfit (make that CLAWS!) and a pretty Party Dress and an Elf Hat, we are making ourselves scarce (which means napping--there actually was blue sky and sunshine today, after the snow on Thursday and a couple of grey days with no sunpuddles at all.
Teri cleaned up outside a bit, sweeping of the patio and rearranging the ferals shelter and feeding station in hopes they will use both now that it's cold. She got a clear storage box for the feeding station and both TomTom and Mama Katz get in it to eat, so she put the heating pad in there instead of the insulated shelter she made them cuz they don't seem to want to get in that.
She moved it off to the side of the patio to see if that is a more secluded spot they would feel ok with. She might get another clear storage box and make them a new one if the seem to think the feeding station is safer...She still has had no luck trapping TomTom--he won't even step inside the big raccoon trap she borrowed this time...even with both doors open!
Teri will be spending Christmas Day with furriends who have 2 Furrydance kitties--we hope she brings home some goodies for us this time! Then they are all going to the movies later on to see Little Fockers. And the next weekend, she is going to head down to North Carolina for New Years with 2 more Furrydance kitties--the ones with the lovely fireplace everyone is envious of. She already bought party hats and noisemakers and some bubbly. Brighton will get to go with her, because she has to keep a close eye on him with his history of urinary problems.
We will keep our petsitters entertained while she is away and guess we should promise not to 'undecorate' the house while she is away. She did get 'us' some nice new flannel sheets to snuggle in too...maybe that will distract us since we will get in lots of extra nap time!
Oh, and even though Teri has been very lax about exercising Disco to encourage his weight loss...she weighed him yesterday...and he is down to 14# 9 ounces!! And you'll notice...he got a buzz cut again, too! And yes, that's 2 pieces of kibble to keep him on the scale for the photo, hahameow!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Wordless Wednesday~Christmas Time's a Comin'
This is Percy, who lives with Brinkley in North Carolina...isn't this a warm holiday scene?!
Percy's family are the nice people who donated the book collection to Brighton's Yule Tide Auction !
Monday, December 13, 2010
Tortie Tuesday!
Little Fifi got to visit with her new family today, while the Mr was working on Teri's laptop--transferring files and photos--tons of 'em from her old Mac Mini, which was full to the brim and about to burst at the seams (or die).
Brighton's auction is off to a great start! The wonderful cat book collection went to Forty Paws. Thank you sooo much for bidding and we hope you get lots of enjoyment reading each one and we know your kitties will enjoy the extra 'lap time' while you are immersed in the books, too!
ManCat Monday
Friday, December 10, 2010
Festive Frootbat Friday
In between snapping photos of us, cleaning house, taking photos of more things we are donating to Brighton's auction and being kinda jealous that the only job we have today is pretty much...napping, Teri said she'd update our bloggie for us!
She keeps forgetting to update everyone on Disco's dieting progress and well, as you can imagine--no news isn't good news. Disco's purrsonal trainer has fallen down on the job since the 90 weight loss campaign ended and has been pretty lax about exercising him! The photo below is Disco attempting to open the bathroom door (where the forbidden dry food is--so the other kitties NOT on a diet can snack from time to time).
In 4 weeks, she's only made him 'work out' once a week, tops! So he gained 4 ounces (he'd also been snacking a little bit too much, too) but with a little less food intake, he got back down to 14# 15 ounces again this week. Now all he has to do is start using the 'Stair Master' again and the oz will start coming off again, we are certain of that.
Brighton had his teeth cleaned on Wednesday and did just fine with the anesthesia and didn't need any extractions, and the vet checked another urine sample and no crystals this time, yay! He did end up with a big bruise on his hind leg where the IV catheter was inserted cuz we used this new kind and the vet had a problem with it looks unsightly more because of the extremely short fur that Cornish Rex have on their legs and the fact that he is white and it's very visible!
Little Fifi is growing like a weed and she gets to go visit her adoptive family on Monday when Teri takes her computer over to their place so the Mr can transfer all our photos over to Teri's new laptop and do some other tweaking to the Mac Mini (which was so full that he had to put everything on an external hard drive to even have room to use the repair software! He told her to use the new laptop as her main computer and use the Mini as a server (which he described to her as kind of a butler, which made her laff and laff).
Coco came back in to heat, so we might be expecting new Frootbats again, but we won't know until about January 1st. Coco sprays when she is in heat, and some of Teri's housecleaning today was cleaning up after her!! We like following her around in the dark when she is using that black light thingy to look for urine spots, hahameow!
We have been trying to catch up visiting everyone, with mom sneaking in a bit of that at work, but once again we are furry behind. We were sad to learn that the Daily G's family had to stop blogging as we loved seeing what Whitey was up to and how sweet Gracie was doing...but we know how things outside the CB can take priority but still doesn't stop us from missing our furriends there already!
And we saw on the CB that a furriend we had never met, Oscar, had to be helped to cross the bridge, so we stopped by to purr condolences to his family. He was very loved, that was easy to see! And we are glad that Hershey was found safe, and we had never met Pat's Cats either, so have some new friends to follow now! And Bugsy's still having tummy troubles, and more vet visits and tests...we hope the vets can find out what's making him sick, real soon! And we are purrin happy that KC's sniffles are clearing up hard to see our kitties sick!
It's cold and kinda gloomy outside today, but that doesn't stop the birdies and squirrels from having fun feasting in our back yard (which we still don't get to look out on cuz Teri's been busy decorating the house for the holidays and not working on getting our basement creature watchin' station back in order!), but here's a photo for your viewing pleasure! (Who knew that squirrels could put the laser eye on you?!)
Ps: That first photo, the one of the cute Christmas Stocking Hanger...that is something we are donating to Brighton's auction!