OhMyCat, this posting once a week sure makes me think of the week in review! This time last Saturday, I was on baby watch, and 1 week later, I am happy to let everyone know that Spottie and Dottie are thriving and have more than doubled their birth weight, just as they are supposed to.
Spottie weighed 83 grams at birth (just under 3 oz) and today is 161 grams. And Dottie weighed 66 grams (just over 2 oz) at birth and she is 142 grams now (more than double and that's good as she was sooo small at birth). Kittens should weigh between 80-100 grams at birth though most CRex are between 80-90 grams. Here's a few more photos and a movie for your viewing pleasure (squees from the audience!)
Brighton is doing great, too! I've taken away the empty litterbox as he wasn't using it any longer, and he is being weaned off the valium now as he is exhibiting normal litterbox habits. Luckily he loves his 'treats--shh, they are really medicines--and he will stay on them for their anti-inflammatory effects.
He is on VetriScience Nu-Cat Soft Chews Vitamins, VetriScience UT Strength Everyday Soft Chews and VetriScience Glyco-Flex II Soft Chews , and of course, all canned food to increase his water intake. I am still anxious about a reoccurance of his urinary blockage, but I am doing everything I can to ward that off! Brighton loves these Chews, and we all know how picky cats can be about 'treats'.
Here's a link to info about these products CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO
You all remember Bebe? She continues to be a 'good girl' here with no 'out of box' occurances in the 3 months I have been 'rehabbing' her and I know many of you wrote to me asking me not to let her go back to the home she was in, as the husband didn't bond with her and her peeing began when they kept her out of their bedroom at night.
She was her lady's cat first, before she got married and then she had to share her affections. And the lady really misses her a lot, as does Keebles, the other Cornish Rex (actually, her mother)...so I am going to let her go back to her home there to see if she will be happy. I know she WILL let us know if she is not (in fact, Keebles recently peed by the closed bedroom door too and so I know she misses Bebes, too!).
I know the whole issue is not that they can't sleep with their owners, as some of my cats in their homes don't have access to their humans beds either and they aren't showing us their displeasure in 'inappropriate' ways.
I am still trying to trap TomTom, but he is very wise and wiley! I should contact a couple of groups that do TNR to see if they could come out with a drop trap, as we might be able to get him that way.
I see Mama Katz from time to time too and she looks fine. I'd love to see how her spay incision healed, but that ain't gonna happen so I just have to hope her good attitude shows that she is healed up and feeling fine! The other great news is that her kittens have all found furrever homes!
Yes! One of our favorite clients at the cat hospital where I work took over their 'fostering' and someone contacted a friend of hers from
CATS ARE TOPS, as they had adopted from them before and Lydia pointed them in Carol's direction and they came out for a visit to meet the kittens and took the little girl with the injured leg!
Then a friend of theirs contacted Carol and visited and they took the little boy with the wonky eye! And the other boy now lives with one of the staffs parents and so a very happy ending for the little kittens born in the wild in a pile of leaves...
Oh, and the little girls leg? With the help of homeopathy and physical therapy and tincture of time--she is using it normally now and has no signs it was ever injured. The holistic vet said she may have joint or back problems later in life due to the injury, but for now is romping and walking without symptoms or pain and that is amazing!
Thanks so much to Carol from KEVIN MEMORIAL FOUNDATION for her love and care of little Tiger Lily and her brothers. (oh, her name WAS Tilly but the animal communicator said that Tilly thought that name was silly and didn't like it and that she wanted to be called Tiger Lily! After all, she is stripy and orange like a tiger!).
Oh, and I almost forgot (see, in reviewing the week--it HAS been busy!)...remember Hiro, Coco's little black kitten--Mile's brother? Well, he never settled into his new home and that's only the second time that has happened in all the years I have been breeding Cornish Rex. He was constantly vocal, couldn't even settle to play with toys and after many conversations back and forth, watching videos of his anxious behavior and seeking the advice of a behaviorist at
we decided he needed the companionship of cats to satisfy his needs, so his sad new family brought him back to me.
He arrived back here at Furrydance on Tuesday and while he had left here over 6 weeks ago, he settled back in within a couple of days (oh, the hormonal ladycats of the house weren't too happy at first, but even they are ok with him now). Not once has he yowled or prowled, and he is playing with toys and with Brighton and Disco, too.

I have a family who have 2 cats from me, as well as a Sphynx and a Devon Rex and a young son too and he will be going to live with them next weekend. They couldn't be happier, as they were on my waiting list for a kitten and as you know, two of Coco's babies were stillborn and so their hopes were dashed when that happened...so this is a blessing in disguise for them.
Although Hiro's first family are very sad right now, as you can imagine, and they are trying to decide to adopt again, maybe next time trying a girl, as they are a bit more independant. Or maybe trying to adopt an adult Cornish Rex who is already mature and it's personality more settled? Or maybe going with a breed that isn't quite as intense and needy to fit their life best. I have been happy to help them in any way I can and appreciate the contacts and the knowledge I have gathered in my work as a vet tech, as it helps the cats in so many ways...
It's been fun watching Miles and Pierro together and see what great buddies they have become, making each others lives all the more meaningful with a friend to share it with! It's one of the highlights of my weekend to check in on them on Mon-Wed-Fri!
Pierro + Miles' Happy Place
And here's a cute photo of one of Miles brothers, Bosco...with his 'BFF', Bette Blu.

The vet I work for is away at the Cornell Feline Veterinary seminar so I got an extra day off work (a 4 day weekend!) and so I am catching up with visiting our bloggie friends and even though it's HOT! outside, laid some more stepping stones in the garden and planted some (dying) clover that needed to be put in the ground a few weeks ago when I bought the flat of red clover to hopefully have a 'mow-free' lawn but at least it was 50% off so if even 50% survive, I'll be happy!
Even with all the heat, the other new plantings have survived--a wisteria and a honeysuckle vine but I sure am wilted! I am going to make one more run through the local nurseries as everyone is having 50% off sales and might come home with a few more things--I'd love to have a hydrangea to replace the one lilac that isn't doing well in the shade and heck, I could use another cat statue or two...
Oh yeah, I gotta get back to working on that basement, too! My therapist says it's coloring every part of my life, and not in a good way! I have a friend coming over next weekend to help 'jump start' me again and I have cleaned off a spot on the couch for her to sit...that's a start!

And, last but not least...a friend sent me this good news this morning...
U.S. House Votes to Prohibit Sale and Distribution of Crush Videos
...it's a step in the right direction!