So, what's the problem? When we're tired, we find a sunny spot, & nap...
She says she has to go out day hunting, to keep us living in the style we are accustomed to...but she dreams about napping! She was away from home the past two weekends, and that's usually when she tries to let us on the computer to blog, so our CB friends haven't had much news from us since Halloween---except for a few pix and a Disco Rotundo update!
And since daylight savings time ended, she has actually been coming up to bed way early, and we like that though it has cut in to her blogging time and she wakes up a few times during the night thinking that it must be time to get up, hahameow!
Sometimes, our furry memories aren't so good (well, we remember the important stuff like where our food is kept) but we'll do our best to catch you all up with what we've been up to, so pull up a chair and grab your favorite beverage, hahameow...
Remember us talking about the Sphynx kitty that our Teri helped rehome after it was surrendered to a shelter? Well, happy ending there, though it took 2 tries for her to find her 'forever' home.
The first family who adopted her had a problem with her biting one of the kids and since they also have an infant, they said they couldn't trust her (ahem, could be it wasn't her fault...) so Teri contacted a couple with no kids that already have a Furrydance cat, and they added her to their family about 3 weeks ago and Abby settled right in.
Picchu decided that having a companion cat again (she lost her companion earlier this year sadly) was maybe not too bad. After a few hisses and growls, they are becoming nice ladycat friends.
Then on November 5th, Teri, along with Brighton, drove up to Brant Beach NJ to deliver Spot and Dot to their new home and she had a nice relaxing weekend at the beach with their new family.
Brighton is a great traveler, and surprisingly so were the kittens! By the time Teri left on Sunday, S & P were quite at ease in their new digs, and she knows they will have fun watching the shore birds from the windows, following sunpuddles around and having 2 humans that work from home, too! Here's some pix of the weekend!
And last weekend, Teri and Brighton, Ambassador Cat Extraordinaire, were off to a local cat show where Brighton got to schmooze with his adoring fans, and Teri got to have fun talking to people about Cornish Rex cats. Here's some photos of them at the show:
And last but not least, Lil Fifi is now 12 weeks old, and getting used to life without her playmates Spot and Dot (or Spike and Socrates as they are now known--I kid you not!). She goes into work with Teri tomorrow for her next exam and vaccination, and she got to meet her new pawrents last weekend, too! They came to visit her for the first time, and there was lots of oohing and awwwing from them. Here's a few pix of Ms Fifi, for your squeeeing pleasure!
They also helped Teri with her computer, since the Mr is a whiz at such things and Teri is not. He tightened up her security, got the desktop and laptop talking to each other, and offered to help train Teri to get more edumacated about such things. Nice to have smart friends like them! He said he has 8 computers at home, and is an artist, as well as a techie. Here's a link to his website and awesome illustrations!
Well, we are kinda tired too, after thinkin and thinkin about everything we've been up to the past few weeks! So we are going to see if we can get Teri to finish up this post and maybe she'll come take a nap with us, too?
Wow! It's been busy at your place! No wonder Teri is tired!
ReplyDeleteSpot and Dot look so happy in their new home! I am glad the Sphynx kitteh found a perfect Forever home, too. She does remind me of myself if I had no furs!
ReplyDeleteWe're tired just reading the update. MOL!
ReplyDeleteSo good that Abby has finally found the right home! Spot and Dot too! :-)
Everbody looks SO sweet and precious. I am so happy for their new homes. And you at home look after your mamma!
ReplyDeleteawwww - we vote curl up with the kitties for a quick nap!! The kittens are adorable and we are VERY glad they have found good homes.
ReplyDeleteThat's some good stuff, nice update, Teri should be tired fur sure!
ReplyDeleteI was missed you!!!
ReplyDeleteKisses beautiful famíly!
WOW Spot and Do... I mean Soc and Spike look quite content in their new beach forever home. We wish them many many years of fun and happiness.
ReplyDeleteWe are so happy Missie Fifiprettyflower is living close by. Miles is thrilled to have a cousin in No Va! Missie Fifi's dad bean is a very cool graphic artist.
His webpage is impressive indeed! He should make picture of Fifi the flower now!
The sphynx kitty boy is so sweet and special and mom is very happy about this perfect home for him!
Well, mom says that she is tired too.
I think you mommies need more sleep. why don't you sleep more missie curlieswirlie Teri?
We hope that your week-end is just perfect and fun and yes, restful!
bonkbonkbonkbonk and bronk too
Miles just told me I goofed and said that Abby was a "he" how silly of me.
ReplyDeleteSorry Abbykins, I am very happy you are comfy with your new sissy Picchu.
Time to take a break!
ReplyDeleteWe think Terri needs ta nap more often. You guys all help her please. She will recover, but she needs onsite purrs...
ReplyDeleteI love your long newsy posts Teri! Wow, you do have lots going on, no wonder you are tired.
ReplyDeleteSpot and Dot's forever home has some great windows for watching the world go by, and parents that work at home is ideal for kitties :-)
I'm glad that Abbey has found a great home and I'm sure that she and Picchu will be snugling together in no time!
It is nice to have friends who are computer savvy isn't it?