Sunday, October 30, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Thankful Thursday...'n More!

Then on Saturday, we had a visitor! Our friend, Carol of Coffee, Cats n' Yarn. She and Teri talked and talked while Teri straightened up the messy kitchen, while we got some extra attention!
Today, we are home alone, and Teri is taking the train up to Connecticut to visit Simba and Sadie and their humans. They were both born at our house, and Teri hasn't seen them since they left home for their new home...so this will be a good visit! And she won't be so lonely since she will have them to cuddle and play with...
Our regular petsitter is about to have a baby herself, so we will have a new one this time...but she comes highly recommended! She is the vet tech at the cat hospital where Teri works and Teri hired her and we know Teri has good judgement! Well, except when it comes to exercising and taking her vitamins!
We also have a couple of guests at our house too! We haven't seen them yet, but we know they are behind the door to OUR guest bedroom. They were born at our house too, and you might remember them from some pix in past posts.
Their humans are on vacation so they are staying at our B & B for a couple of weeks! Remember Jasper and Clover? They are Coco's kids, from the litter that was all named after flowers. Clover's name stuck, and Teri would have to look in the baby book, but she thinks Jasper used to be called Dandelion, like the weed, hahameow!
They arrived last Sunday and will stay with us until November 12th and Teri promised their humans to take a lot of photos of them during their stay with us...kinda like 'summer vacation' pix!
Well, that's all the news for now. Teri is going to try and get to some more 'blog hopping' in now!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Have you ordered your 'Tocktober Ham yet?
Wordy (Whiskerhump) Wednesday...

Our secreTeri has been so busy at work (they are building a new website) and busy on the weekends (another cat show last weekend) that her free time to help us blog and visit our bloggie friends is non-existent! So this Wednesday, we are really chatty catties!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Thankful Thursday...
It rained all day here in Virginia, so here's a sweet photo from sunny California, of Percy and Brinkley, two of our 'extended family' who recently made a long roadtrip from North Carolina to Southern California, where it looks like they have settled in and are enjoying both the sunshine and maybe some birdies?
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Wordless Wednesday
We have a Winner!
Our purrsonal secreTeri was supposed to announce the lucky cat(s) that had the winning number (according to Random.org) for our giveaway for the PetSmart Martha Stewart Double Feeder and Mat yesterday!
Monday, October 10, 2011
Toysday! Our Review of the Junk Food Flyers...
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Mancat Monday...
Friday, October 7, 2011
Fashion Friday!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Wordless Whisker Hump Day...
Yesterday, we got the purrfect Wordless Wednesday photo emailed to us by this kitty's sweet mom. His name is Furlinghetti and you have seen his handsome self featured on our blog before!
As Teri was looking at his 'reflection' (actually, he has the honor of being 'The Desktop Kitty, too) she noticed he also has fine whiskerhumps!
So today is the perfect day to post his photo, don't you think?!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Tabby Tuesday...
This one knows his feminine side, he likes flowers, especially if they coordinate and show off his purrty furs. This is Taddy Porter, who now lives in Pennsylvania, and has a Jack Russell Terrier for a buddy!

And here's a new photo of Mama Katz, who mostly comes around late at night so we might often miss her. We saw her last on September 19th, so it was nice to see her show up for a bite to eat this past weekend. Teri quickly grabbed her camera and snapped this furtive shot.
Our Review, and a Giveaway! New Martha Stewart Cat Line!
After our excursion to BlogPaws in August, a nice lady from PetSmart wrote to us and asked us if we'd like to test out something from PetSmart's new Martha Stewart cat line, the Double Feeder and Mat.
Oh, we said yes, of course and Disco was especially happy as it was a review that had to do with food, hahameow! Teri said she has admired Martha Stewart's dog line, especially the colors and she was glad to know they have expanded to a cat line, too and they are available exclusively at PetSmart!

Teri has used a variety of feeding bowls and place mats over the years for us cats, from human plates, casserole dishes and stoneware crocks made for pets. She said she never used plastic dishes as they are prone to absorb odors and harbor bacteria and she said the typical stainless steel bowls weren't very decorative.
Teri even worried about where the crockery and ceramic dishes were made, in case they were made with toxic products. So she thought the nice combination of a stainless steel shallow dish that fit in a well made plastic base was right on target!

And none of the placemats she has tried for our 'Feeding Station' fit the bill 100%--either they weren't absorbent, didn't catch spills or prevent us from pushing the bowls around in our eagerness to find every morsel that dropped out of our mouths, hahameow. And she said she loves using the silicone items she has in the kitchen, so she thought the silicone mat with it’s lipped edge just might be purrfect!
The double feeder has cat-sized (vs dog sized, hahameow) stainless steel, rust proof dishes that fit into a well-made nonskid melamine base, and we got the pretty pastel blue one, but it also comes in pink and beige. The set is well made, weighing in at just over 12 ounces, so you can tell, NOT flimsy!

There is a narrow silicone ring under rim of the stainless steel bowls, which makes them secure and stops any rattle as we dig in! The plastic base has clean mod lines and the non-skid bottom prevents us from spilling the contents when we get a little too eager while chowing down and won’t mar the floors, either. On one side of the base, there is a hand-grip that makes it easy for humans to pick up and move the bowls, too.
We cats thought the bowls were just the right size for our sensitive whisker humps. Whoever designed these dishes knew that cats don’t like to have their whiskers cramped when dining!And Teri said the stainless steel bowls made washing them up easy, and they are easily removed from the base by human fingers, but not our paws, hahameow!

Another thing Teri liked was the silicone lids that fit right on the dishes to help keep food fresh if we don’t gobble it all down in one sitting! They say the dishes are dishwasher safe, too but so far, Teri has hand washed them. They advise handwashing the silicone covers and mat.
And we haven’t even gotten to the Feeding Mat! MeWowZa. Teri loves the mat, and the fact that it is also available for purchase by itself and she wants to buy another one! When she does, she'll put our other 'mats' in the donation box.

The Feeding Mat works just as it purported to--non-skid, lip to catch spills and easy to clean! We were a bit confused by our feeding station moving for this test, but had no other issues with using this set, and although we don’t have food out ‘ad lib’ cuz Disco’s on a diet, Teri said she liked the double feeder, in which she put two 3 ounce cans of food for us to share. Even though our muzzles are small compared to beefier cats, we think they are just the right size for 3 ounces of food, and helps with portion control!

The Martha Stewart line is exclusive to PetSmart, and the cat the collection will feature feeding bowls and mats, can covers, food scoops, food jars, beds and a variety of toys. Products will continue to roll out through October, so be sure to check them out and we think you will be impurressed, too!
PetSmart (and Martha we guess) has arranged for some lucky cat family to have their own Double Feeder and Mat! Isn't that cool! Just leave us a comment if you’d like to be dining with your very own Martha Stewart Double Feeder and Mat, and let us know how we should contact you if you are the lucky winner! Only readers with Canadian or US addresses are eligible to win these items.

The winner will be chosen on Monday, October 10th We will let our PetSmart lady know who won and she will deliver the items directly to your address. The items will be shipped directly from PetSmart to the lucky winner to anywhere in the United States or Canada.
The Martha Stewart line is exclusive to PetSmart, and the cat the collection will feature feeding bowls and mats, can covers, food scoops, food jars, beds and a variety of toys. Products will continue to roll out through October, so be sure to check them out and we think you will be impurressed, too!
Disclaimer: We are happy to be a part of this product review, and we did receive a free Double Feeder and Feeding Mat from Martha Stewart/PetSmart to use and review, and keep! However, all of the opinions about the product are ours and not dictated in any way by the company.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Mancat Monday (or a Stella O' fix...)
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Live Strong 2011
We Curly Swirly cats, and Teri, join Zoolatry and The Cat's Meow in focusing awareness of those affected by cancer, by going Yellow for LiveSTRONG Day 2011.