Sunday, March 1, 2009

ManCats Monday

Just got this photo from the Campbell family in North Carolina and since Dianne called this photo The 3Rex-a-teers...thought it would make a great 3 ManCats Monday! Pasha is the Senior ManCat, and the two Furrydance boys, Percy and Brinkley, are young Mancats (in training?)


  1. Prasha has really long legs - is he a new breed of half Rex/half giraffe?

  2. MOL,'s one of those jackrabbit cats, silly wabbit.

    Actually, Pasha is the black and white one, Brinkley the cream one, and Percy the orange and white one with those long legs.

  3. Wow, I need more info...these cats are so unusual...what breed did you say they were? are they very affectionnate? and cuddly? lol

  4. Lorraine,

    They are Cornish's my cattery website and there's links to YouTube videos and more breed info on my website too...have fun learning 'bout them.

  5. Caesar used to have incrrrredibly long legs too, so these guys look like the standard curly cornish kitties, all very very handsome.
    Happy snowy day to all of you.

  6. Lorraine: Cornish Rexies are super duper cuddly and very very lovey-dovey too!!

  7. Oh my, it looks like the Three Amigos!

  8. Mom says she thinks she saw some Rex kitties at the cat show this weekend.

  9. Nothing like watching cats resting. You're all so handsome.

    Ms. P and Cinza

  10. Awww, what a cute picture for mancat monday!

  11. Teri, thank you so much for sharing all of the cat information with me. I am very appreciative.

    You are so right about the healing energy of animals (cats, in particular). My husband has been spending much time with those precious little kittens and he always has a big smile on his face. It makes me smile to see that reaction from the very man who said, "There's no way I want that cat getting pregnant! I'm not dealing with a bunch of kittens!" :-)

  12. What a great mancat monday it would be indeed!

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