Sunday, March 8, 2009

Easy like Sunday Morning

This is Spot (you know, the faucet cat) curled up in the toy basket
in my bedroom. When I saw this basket at IKEA, I knew the cats
would like it and it makes a nice toy "box" too!


  1. what a cute photo. I love those little baskets. only one of the 3 cats I have will use them so I put them around in her favorite spots. She uses them all.

  2. What could be better than a cozy napping spot and toybox all in one!?

  3. We can never tell the difference between a toy box and a cat bed around here either!

  4. That looks like a nice sleeping basket!

  5. Now, that is a cute cat basket. Oh, yeah, so is kitty!

  6. What a great napping spot! And when you want to play, all your toys are there waiting for you!


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