Sunday, July 31, 2011
Mancat Monday

Simply Sunday Evening...

We had a very chillaxin' weekend, how about you? We sleep in our burrow bed or right on top of the heating pad no matter the season...and no pix of this, but we all got baths this weekend, too.

We don't know how to use the camera, but if we did, you would also see a video of Teri that would make you laff and laff! She had to get up on an extention ladder to spray wasp killer on a nest in our eaves.She went online and read that the best time to nuke their nest was when they were sleepy and slow at dawn! So she set the alarm for 6am on Saturday and put on a raincoat, cinched tight the hood, put on rubber gloves and tucked her pant cuffs into her socks (that's that laffin and laffin part) and climbed up about 10 feet and sprayed the foam all over the nest.Then she ran back inside and watched the the dead wasps fall from the nest. Then she waited a while. sprayed again and then knocked the nest down with a long pole. We think she was very brave, protecting us and the universe from those stingers!
The new Ant Proof Bowl is working 100% and since it's kind of a 'Dog Size' bowl, Teri put a smaller stainless steel bowl in the middle and that works well and is easy to clean and doesn't harbor bacteria like plastic can.

Saturday, July 30, 2011
We got an Award, our 16th!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Fashion Friday?
And this was too 'stylish' not to post today!
Thanks to Mousebreath for turning us on to this artist!
Click here if you can't view video, click here
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thankful Thursday!
One thing all us cats can be thankful for is a nice LapDaddy (or LapMommy) and here are a couple of cute pix of LapDad Dan and Edward Boddington Dickens, who is called Ed by all his friends! Ed is Coco's brudder and he lives in St Louis with Captain Billy Fawkes aka Billy, another Furrydance kitty! Looks like Ed is just as silly as Coco and loves tummy rubs, too!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Wordless Wednesday!
Brinkley, one of our extended family, obviously knows how to control dawggies...and nab the prime napping spot in the house!
Tortie Tuesday...3 generations!

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Simply Sunday Evening...
Well, here is it the weekend and time for chillaxin for everyone! Teri even had time to take pix and help us with our blog!

This week, Teri has been helping a couple of kitties of the CB with dieting advice. You all may already follow Mr Puddy and Yogi and of course, all our followers know of Disco 'Battle of the Bulge' and Teri has shared his diet info with them and thinks we should form a 'Weight Watchers Club for Kats' (and give a prize to each when we reach our goals!).
Disco is stuck at 15# 2 oz, and Teri is cutting down on his treat of t/d kibble and bought him a bag of Stella & Chewy's Chick, Chick, Chicken Dinner. It's a dehydrated Raw Diet, but Teri is feeding it as a treat, in it's 'pellet' form, and Disco loves it. He would love more than 2 morsels but it will give him some variety and she may even feed it rehydrated for him if he likes it that way, too. It was recommended to us by the cats of Coffee, Cats 'n Yarn.

Their website says their patented food safety process was designed by a Professor of Food Safety at Kansas State University and the food safety programs in place at Stella & Chewy's would be in the forefront of human food manufacturers and are years ahead of the pet food industry. Here's a link to their website if you want to check it out: