Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thankful Thursday...

Two handsome ManCats, Beauregard and Napoleon!

What a lovely veranda they have, too!

And just like us, they like Whole Foods (and their bags, hahameow!)

Unpacking groceries can be tiring, so a nap is in order...

Kind of reminds us of Obi Wan Kenobi...

These two sweet boys, who just turned 3 years old, are part of our extended family and they live near New York City! Here's a link to our post about them when they were born--be ready to Squeee! 

Oh, don't Fur-Get to join in the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!



  1. They are 2 handsome mancats, and they have a very good view from their verandah.

  2. OMC - they were SO TINY!! And they have certainly grown into very handsome mancats. (this is not the kitteh you are looking for... hahaha)

  3. Beautiful as always ... actually we looked first at the late June babies ~ so adorable! And what wonderful names they have, hope all are doing well.

  4. They do have a lovely veranda to enjoy. We think the Obi Wan Kenobi picture is perfect!

  5. OMG! They´re so big and beautiful!!!!!!

  6. You both look so handsome sitting on your veranda - is there room for us too?
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Awwwwww how adorable and weren't they just gorgeous as kitties too?? Yay! Take care

  8. Goodness they are handsome! I love the face in the towel.

  9. Oh so beautiful. We love the first picture so much.

  10. Teri, we is always so happy to hears about the extended family! Our family has lots of extensions (even the humans). Loving those who lives outside our immediate circle, is wonderful and hearing about them even more!
    PS the new twin girls in our family is like that

  11. Thanks everyone for your comments on our two kitties. They really bring such joy into our lives and just like children, they each have their own personality. Beauregard (black) is into everything and Napoleon(orange tabby) is content to watch him or sleep. However when anyone visits they are all over them.

  12. We gave you an award today. To see it go to my post!

    Bonks and Purrs



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