Friday, January 30, 2009

Madame Purresident, Furrydance Colours Cove!

And the Curls have the vote!

The catizens voted Coco the winner by a landslide, paws down.

Coco would like to thank the hundreds, maybe thousands, that voted for her and made her win possible!

She would like to acknowledge the support and advice her fellow candidates gave her, and she hopes to have them fill the cabinet positions, where she can call upon them for their sage wisdom and advice.

Here is her acceptance speech (she didn't know about that Inauguration Speech Generator--that was a nice job Sandra did!)

My fellow catizens:

I stand purroudly here today, humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have in me, mindful of the sacrifices borne by the cats that came before us.

On this day, we have chosen unity of purpose over conflict and discord, and we come to proclaim an end to the petty hissing and spitting, the false mewling, the worn-out dogmas (she smiles here) that for far too long have been the stuff cat fights are made of.

The time has come to reaffirm our enduring spirit; to use our nine lives to better the world for cats; to carry forward that noble idea, that all cats are equal, and all deserve a chance to pursue their full measure of happiness. That happiness might be in a lap or under a fluffy blanket; it might be in a sunny window or in sneaking into the pantry for treats.

Our journey has never been one of settling for less. Cats do not hesitate to ask for what they want. It has not been the path for the faint-hearted, for those who prefer catnaps over stealthy progress, or for those who seek only the pleasures of fluffy beds and crystal food bowls. We understand there must be laundry days and broken dishes to be replaced when big footed humans step on them.

Rather, it has been the brave felines, some celebrated, but more often just plain cats, obscure in their labor, who have carried us up the long path towards forever homes, and the best of stinky goodness (with a few treats of our choice thrown in). There are some who may question the scale of our ambitions. They have forgotten what the cats who came before us have already done, and of the loving human creatures that have helped us along the way.

We will show the world what cats can achieve, when imagination is joined to common purrpurrs, and all cats and dogs and humans and creatures of the earth can live together in harmony. That is the dream, that is the hope.


  1. That's much better than the speech I did!

    Congratulations, Coco!!!

  2. Congratulations Coco! That was a very nice speech. I must admit, you may have shorter and curlier floof than I do, but you have a much better wardrobe. Hee! Hee!

    It was an honor to be your opponent!

  3. Congratulations, Coco! We're sure you lwil be a fabulous president!

    Tom and Tama-Can

  4. Go Girl Go!
    We remember an old saying about the paws that rock the scratching posts rule the world...


  5. Congratulations, Coco! I am so proud of you. And most importantly, you picked a very chic ensemble to wear for your acceptance speech.

    ps: I get many of my outfits from Build-a-Bear on-line. They cost much fewer green papers than most "pet" outfits, and mostly use easy to close velcro.

    Thanks for saying I have a good furcoat. My Mommie saw my momcat at the breeder, and her coat was very sparse. The breeder said she was proud of how full my coat was. But I have been getting a few bald patches lately (maybe from the stress of having my new brother around).

  6. Congratulations Coco! Pawsome acceptance speech. And you look utterly Presidential and cute in your outfit.

    Miz Mog and Meowza

  7. We just saw the election results and are very pleased that you won!

    In regards to your momma beans question, the vets do not believe Moki has Feline Interstitial Cystitis. The vets are actually all very confused about Moki's condition and no one know for sure what he has. I actually was able to put the sub-q-fluids and bleeding together on my own, using pieces of what various doctors have suggested as possibilites, my own research background.

    There have been a number of interesting reports on Tamiflu and its use in treating the Parvo virus,so I am going to do a little research into the subject. When Moki first got sick they suspected he had Panelukopenia (Parvo snap test came back negative.)In any event thats when we first started using Tamiflu. Since then whenever the ugly monster that made Moki sick orginally rears its ugly head, the only thing that works to kick it back into remission has been the Tamiflu...I know that there is a connection to be made, I just have to find it...

  8. What an excellent speech Madame President. Finally a woman in the office! I look forward to serving on your cabinet.

  9. Congratulations on your victory, Coco! You have a tough job ahead of you, but knowing you have the support of the entire cat blogosphere will help you be a wise President

  10. Willow and I have found you to be brilliant! We loved your speech and will be back for more!!!!!!

    Purrrrrrrrrrs, China Cat

  11. Nice speech! Concats!



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