Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thinkful Thursday

Our friend Fin, got us thinking about thinks...we mean sinks. Spot used to like to sleep in sinks, but ever since he caused a big catastrophe in late August 08, you know...Teri's never found him sleeping in the sink since!! But he (and all the other cats) do demand that every morning the first thing Teri does is to turn on the bathroom sink faucet so they can "fresh water".

Links to post on "Cat-astrophe"


  1. Our kitty doesn't lay in the sink (I know so many that do!) but she loves the ironing board!

  2. We looked at the old post. Wow! That certainly was a cat-astrophe! We are visualising security locks on all taps...

  3. Sinks are the best thing. Among a lot of other best things.

  4. After looking at that my mom said that I'm never ever allowed in the sink...

  5. Trixie loves sleeping in the sink. And of course we get a drink from the faucet every morning!

  6. Oh wow, we just read about the cat-astrophe!!! That was so not good! We will have to be very careful in the sink for now on!

  7. We just read about the cat-tastrophe...oh my! Now my mom is worried about Ginger turning on the water herself since she's the one always begging at the faucet.

  8. Oh my goodness, that was a giant cat-astrophe! This makes us a little worried, given Harley's strong drive to play with water...

  9. I love your blog!!! I am such a cat lover. These cats with their big ears are stunning. Glad I stopped by you seem like a very sweet lady.

  10. You look so cute!

    We've never expressed an interest in sinks. But Ms. P does love to roll around in the bathtub every so often. Part of the fun is getting the woman all excited and when she returns with her camera, Ms. P has moved onto somewhere else.


  11. Pierro has a special bed in the upstairs sink but he is not smart enough to turn a sink on, besides he is a weakling as well.
    we just read the old post. That really was a catastrophe.... but you got new floors and a vacation in a hotel MOL.
    I do have a special bowl near the bathroom sink and that is the only place I am able to climb up with the aid of the toilet (I can't jump much anymore) but when mom is preparing for her shower in the hall bath she always refills my bloo bowl. I do not play with faucet parts though...
    I hope you have a happy week-end. Kitty in the sink looks quite content!

  12. My cat's too fat to reach the sink. Maybe she'd prefer a hot tub but we don't have one!

    Most of my client's cats like to get a drink from the sink though. Cats really do like running water (unless it's running on them!)

    That Turkish Van is gorgeous. Was it Mike's cat? I just read his memorial blog. I can't even imagine losing my husband.
    I don't know what took him from you after so few years together, but I'm truly sorry for the hole it left.
    He sounded like an amazing guy.

  13. Studio Lolo,

    Yes, the Turkish Van was Mike's kitty. His name is WishnWhiskers Sir Spoticus and he is 15 now. Mike and his ex-wife used to breed them and he came to me with Spot...

    Here's a link to my post recently (on my Mewsings blog) sharing with new blogging friends about Mike's passing.

    Since because of a major snafu/poor information/inconsiderate hospital policies/my lack of knowledge on how things autopsy was not performed, but an aneurysm is probably what happened, for it to be so quick and sudden.

  14. this is such a lovely picture. for sinkful sursday.hugs to you and the cats...eek what am i saying, i don't hug cats.

  15. ME does na like da baf. But i sits dere an let mommeh baf me.

  16. My parent's cat does the exact same thing with the sink every morning! Marley and Reggie love their circulating water fountain bowl.


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