Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tortie Tuesday

Couldn't find a toesie pix, so here is a couple of Kiki, our tortie momcat who's been featured before (remember Gweek/Squeek?)

and a close up of her pretty furs!


  1. What gorgeous tortie furs! I think your furs have a tighter and more regular wave than mine. Sometimes my furs go all helter-skelter!

    Thanks for the link to those fabulous dresses. They might be a little out of my budget, unless I get a raise in my allowance! We have a Puppia harness that we love!

  2. I'll take one in a size 10, please.

  3. Oh wow, what purrty curly furs you have!!

  4. What a beauty! We can see where you got your looks!

  5. Your pictures are so much fun!

  6. What pretty curly Tortie furs! I had a "toesies Tuesday" post today, but then I had to go to the vet, so we are doing toes on WEdnesday.

  7. That fur is amazing! If I go to the cat salon, do you think they could give me that look?

  8. These remind me of Caesar's furs. he had very nice neat furs even though he got kind of chubby in his old age he had the waves going quite nicely



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