Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Is someone trying to imply that you did that? ;-)

  2. Yes,that is some of Taddy Porter's handiwork! But he is not alone in this behavior, lol. So many of my cats enjoy doing this that maybe I should patent it as a new cat toy!

    Teri and the cats of Furrydance

  3. Awwww you are so sweet. You would never do that. It was just probbly one of those cheap store brand toilet papers, they shred just looking at them I think.

    purrrrs to you sweet curly friend

  4. Great job!! You're a master shredder!

  5. Tearing up TP is one of my very favorite things to do! I also like to unroll it, it's fun!

    Good work!

  6. Now that looks like a good time!

  7. Oh my goodness! Our mom is so happy we haven't done that yet! Your fur is so pretty too. We think you are a very puurty kitty, just like us!

    We look forward to hearing from your Mom about HCM/asthma. As this point in the early diagnosis, the cardiologist and our vet agreed not to start on any heart medication since it hasn't been proven to help this early on; we are just going to monitor it and get another echo in 6 months; we are going to start on inhaled medication for the asthma though, which is easier on cats with heart conditions. Since you are so smart, our mom is going to forward you a few emails and then you can respond back when you get the chance!!!

  8. Uh oh! Some cat's in trouble!

    (pee ess. we do this all the time!)

  9. Your look of innocence is perfection. We're sure someone else did that (but they did a good job).

  10. hmm.... looks sumfin like ours...

    Did yoo do dat to ours too? caz it sure wasna me.

  11. An astonishingly beautiful and graceful cat.

  12. hahah That look of innocence is purrfect! xx

  13. ha ha this t paper pic is hysterical....


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