Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happurry Mew Year!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Thankful Thursday
This is Furrydance Tin Tin, who lives in England, with Debora. It's obvious cats all over the world love to bask in the sunniest spot in the house! May all cats find a sunny spot on this New Years Eve!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
This is Furrydance Sid, who lives in Georgia with the Snyder family...and he always gets in the last word!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tabby Tuesday...
This handsome cat is Taddy Porter. He was a Dad Cat here at Furrydance but got to retire a couple of years ago, and found the perfect home with the Guzick family in Pennsylvania.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Mancat Monday
Furrydance Linus, spooning with Tugboat, his manly buddy! He shares his home with another Cornish Rex, and two doting humans, Tonya and Vic, in San Francisco.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Simply Sunday Morning
This two Furrydance girls, Twiggy and Ruby, share their cozy home with an Abyssinian, a Bengal and two fine humans, Gary and Susan , in Alexandria, Virginia.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Caturday Saturday
Zoe and Simba, toasty warm by the fire. They both live, along with another Furrydance kitty, with the the Bramble family in Connecticut.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas to All Our Furrends!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tabby Tuesday...
This is a Furrydance Kely Bray, Coco's mother. She retired from being a momcat and shares her home with Trish and another Furrydance Cornish Rex, Bebe, in Baltimore Maryland.
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Mancat Monday
Kittymas is getting close, really close! This is Spot, who got his angels wings in 2008, but we have the gift of memories and I will always remember taking this photo of him, and smile...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Simply Sunday Morning
Now that there are just a few days til Christmas, we wanted to post all our merriest photos...Enjoy!
This is Furrydance Gweek (Kiki) nibbling on what mewmie calls "Our Xmas Tree" this year. She said she got it, just for us but we really like the other green thing she got us best (A Hepper Pod!)
Friday, December 18, 2009
Caturday Saturday
Disco...how you going to get down from there without knocking everything over? He got up there but I had to help him down!
We Elf'd Ourselves...
Fare Thee Well, Prinnie
We have spent the last two days, thinking a lot about sweet Princess, so many funny posts, so many pretty pictures...as we watched her slowly fade, and we knew her time with us was coming to it's end...it is still this photo (which her family named screamingfrootbat.JPG) which will bring the smiles to our faces and help dry the tears.
And God asked the feline spirit
Are you ready to come home?
Oh, yes, quite so, replied the precious soul
And, as a cat, you know I am most able
To decide anything for myself.
Are you coming then? asked God.
Soon, replied the whiskered angel
But I must come slowly
For my human friends are troubled
For you see, they need me, quite certainly.
But don't they understand? asked God
That you'll never leave them?
That your souls are intertwined. For all eternity?
That nothing is created or destroyed?
It just is....forever and ever and ever.
Eventually they will understand,
Replied the glorious cat
For I will whisper into their hearts
That I am always with them
I just am....forever and ever and ever.
Teri and the cats of Furrydance
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Fashion Friday
This is Nani, the prettiest cat in a wig we have ever seen! Our mewmie says she looks like Barbra Streisand in this photo. She lives the pampered life in Washington DC.
Coco's got "Buns in the Oven"
Mewmie bundled Madame President in the Pink PTU this morning, with a microwaved heat disc cuz it was 32 degrees outside and whisked her off to the "obstetrician" to have a pregnancy test...well, not exactly.
She went to work with mewmie, to the cat hospital where she day hunts, so the V.e.t. could squeeze her ladygarden to see if she could feel any growing mewlings in there.
Well, Teri didn't think she was pregnant because Coco didn't Pink Up (something in a ladycats hormonal system makes the nipples turn pink at 18-21 days after mating if they are pregnant).
Teri says she has 2 families waiting for new additions (they each already have one Furrydance cat and want more!)
Dr Jan could feel 2 or 3 little "grapes" in Coco's ladygarden. Mewmie kept smiling after that!
Of course, it is very hard not to "count chicks before they hatch" but it's hard not to get excited at the prospect of bebes around again. Mewmie was especially happy because she is thinking about a little girl kitten in a special CB family's future, someone we all know just lost a very special kitty...that would make mewmie smile real big to think of a Coco kitten bringing joy around again to that "Happy Place" that is pretty sad right now...
So, around the last week of January, all our CB furrends will be on baby watch with us...how exciting is that?! And just maybe, since Coco is having a small litter, she will talk to Kiki and see if she'd like to be a mommy in 2010, too...
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thankful Thursday
Mewmie didn't put a Christmas tree up this year (this is a tree from Christmas past) cuz she's going to be gone to Orygun for Christmas to visit her mewmie and littermates...but she said we are getting a Christmas present and it should arrive before she leaves on December 21st!
It's a surprise but we will work hard at guessing what it is...maybe you could help us out? We'll give you a hint...
It is Spring Bud Green and it's not a tree
It looks like a flying saucer, but it stays on the ground
It might not be big enough to share, but it's cozy
We got on the computer and Googled that list of hints, and guess what?
We are getting our very own Hepper Pod!
They have been on sale lately but our mewmie really wanted the Spring Bud Green one, to go with the colors in her (our) bedroom...and she was entering a Moderncat contest last night and guess what...Sale! On the green pod!
So she got out her green papers plastic money and ordered it...just for us--and for her, she said, because maybe it will mean she will have more room in her (our) bed at night--we didn't want to tell her that she is our "heating pad" at night and we probably will still want to burrow under the covers with her!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, December 14, 2009
Tabby Tuesday...
This is Furrydance Duncan, trying to stay snuggly on a cold winters day. He is a red classic tabby and white, but didn't want to come out of his burrow to show you his pretty furs! He lives with Abby and Mike in Maryland.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Man Cat (in training) Monday
This is Beauregard and Napoleon (when they were kittens here at Furrydance, they were Blackberry and Razzberry). They obviously rule the roost in their new home, with Don and Bob in Baltimore, Maryland.
The Auction for Fiona...
One of Furrydance Cats friends is in trouble and the Cat Blogosphere is coming to her aid! Her name is Fiona, and she is a Sphynx cat, the same breed as our Disco NoFurNo.
You can read about her story here:
Fiona's Vet Visit
So an auction has been organized and it will start on Monday. Friends have donated all kinds of things (our mewmie looked through her collection of cat statues and picked a pretty one to donate).
We donated a tiny bit to the Chip In for Fiona, too, and are liking watching that fund grow. Yay, all you cat lovers out there. What big hearts you have!
Here is the link to the auction:
Friends of The Cat Blogosphere Benefit Auction for Fiona
It will run from December 14th to December 31st, with items being added every day, so be sure to check back often and watch the bidding, too. All the proceeds will go do benefit Fiona and her vet bills.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Simply Sunday Morning
Sleeping in...Do Not Disturb! This is Furrydance Ginger and her companion, Nestly...hogging Erin and Josh's bed. They live the pampered life in Maryland.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Saturday Caturday
This is Machu and Picchu (see Wednesdays post) snoogling together. I just got an email from their family updating me on how they are doing (we thought Macchu may have had a seizure episode recently)...
Teri ~ just wanted to drop you a line and let you know machu seems better.... personally, i think he became upset by our new blender that is obnoxiously loud and he was just overly stressed out for a spell. he was literally afraid of his shadow for a week or two and would not go under the afghan. but he seems settled back in now although he sometimes gets rattled by sounds. picchu is the opposite. for some reason they keep shutting off the water in our building. then air gets in the pipes and when you turn the water on this terrible hissing sound comes out from the air pressure instead of water. there's been a few times when picchu has had her little head under the faucet patiently waiting for water when this big explosion sound happens instead! and she just sits there totally unaffected still waiting... anyhoo, they are both really cute and sweet and i'm looking for a knitter to make them a couple of sweaters for christmas. i found some really cute patterns on the internet... of course, fear not, i would NEVER put picchu in an evening gown though i found some of those on the internet as well!!!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Fashion Friday
This is Furrydance Brighton, all dressed up (to coordinate with the Cornish Rex Breed Display) in a purple suede and fake fur jacket, something Disco NoFurNo sported in his slimmer Show years...and here's a photo of the Display...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Thankful Thursday
This post might make you wonder why I put it under "Thankful Thursday".
This is Furrydance Sunny, and you might remember when he was returned to me back in May 2009, I posted about him on my cattery blog.
Keyser Soze (his previous name, which had too sinister a image, so I renamed him Sunny, for what I hoped would be a sunny outlook for his future happiness)had a bit of a rough life. After living with his first family for two years, the other cats in the house started picking on him and he began urinating outside the box and escaping outside! He almost died due to an infection in his chest called Pyothorax, due to scratch from another cat. A specialist veterinarian pulled him thorough and he has the battle scars on his right side to show how brave he was. Then about the time Mike died, his owners gave him away to some friends of theirs without notifying me first and I was quite angry. But I was able to get in touch with his new owners and then they knew how to contact me to keep me updated on Soze's life.
Well, two years past without much contact. I wasn't very happy about that, but kept in touch, so they knew I still cared. Then one day, out of the blue, I get a phone call telling me that he has been urinating all over the house and fighting with their cats and they were moving and wanted to bring him back to me immediately. Of course, I said yes, and started making a safe and quiet place for him to come back to. When I do "rehab" on a kitty with behavior issues, I follow a strict protocol. I never know whether they will get better under my care or not, but I always want to give them a chance.
So, on May 7, 2009 he arrived back at his birthhome here and his rehab began...2 weeks in a 4'x4'x2' cage, with heated bed, litterbox and food/water and no other cats around to cause him anxiety. The first two days he was hissing and growling but that slowly gave way to needing affection and he began to let me hold him and brush him. He was well behaved in the cage-no urinating outside the box or spraying so he got to move up a step into the guest bathroom, with all the same comforts but with more room.
He was affectionate and happy, and I thought he would be able to find the right home. He so far had not shown any bad behaviors here and the next step for him was to move into the guest bedroom and eventually be introduced to another cat he will feel comfortable with. If all goes according to plan, then after about 3 months, I will start seeking a home for him. It may be as an only cat, or maybe with one of the upcoming kittens, or with a family that already has a cat from Furrydance who I know will give him a good forever home.
Sunny had been 100% perfect in his behavior here, no urinating outside the litterbox at all! So he got to move into the library room, then the guest bedroom on June 1st and he was so happy to have a comfy bed (where I would nap with him sometimes) and windows to look out on the backyard and the lake and the wildlife.
A week after he settled in to the bedroom, I had houseguests and they had to share the guestbedroom with Sunny. That was fine with them, as they already have one Furrydance cat and were here to meet one of Coco's kittens they had picked out to adopt. But as fate would have it, they fell in love with Sunny. That was not unexpected, as he is super affectionate and loved their attention. My only reservation was that if they adopted him, he would be going back into a multi-pet household and previously that was not a good experience for him.
So I told them I would like to keep him with me for a couple of months longer, to introduce him to the other cats, thinking I would start with Zephyr, as I needed to see if she was going to be ok with other cats, too. He had already had a couple of altercations with two of the resident cats, but he was not the aggressor in those instances.
But sometimes, once a cat becomes comfortable with it's surroundings, the tables can turn and it can become the aggressor if it learns it can intimidate certain cats. I had gotten conflicting stories about his behavior in his previous homes, so did not know what to expect with time.
After two weeks in the guestroom, it was time to introduce him to Zephyr, another kitty returned to me about the same time for what her owner termed OCD. I did that initially by exchanging their bedding, then when Zephyr was not hissing anymore, I brought her into his room and she was afraid of him, lots of hissing and he ran under the bed and hid.
But each day, with a little more time together, the hissing lessened and I let them spend more time together. They were now "roommates" and shared their meals and shared the bed (though not right next to each other yet) and neither cat was acting out with any inappropriate behaviors. So, I was happy with their progress and was willing to try Sunny with the family that fell in love with him on their visit. If, sometime in the next 6 weeks, he shows that he isn't happy with multi-cats, as I will start letting him meet the other cats again, then this family can adopt the little kitten they had their eyes on initially. And as always, if it doesn't work out, I will take Sunny back with open arms.
But about 2 weeks after that, Sunny started spraying, on the bed, by the door and I wasn't sure if he just wanted to be an "only cat" and not have a roommate, or if he was lonely for human companionship after the visitors. So I moved him back into the library room but he continued to spray, so I started him on anxiety medication but it didn't resolve his spraying. I had another family now interested in him, in spite of his continued inappropriate urinating, and they had no other cats, so I thought it would be the next best step for him, but unfortunately the husband got pneumonia which turned in to asthma and their doctor advised against them getting a cat right now.
Then a few weeks ago, a family here who recently had to put their Furrydance Cornish Rex to sleep because of a mediastinal neoplasia (a tumor in the chest) was willing to give him a try. They had no other cats and loved the breed and missed their kitty deeply. Unfortunately within a few days, Sunny was spraying and not using the box again, even though they followed my "introducing a new cat" instructions to the letter, so I took him back in.
I had so hoped he would be happy in his new home (his third--forth, including me) with no other cats around, but it wasn't to be. I did not want him to spend the rest of his life in a room by himself--that is not living but existing. He was fearful with other cats and I already have issues with two of my cats spraying (Disco and Coco), so having him have run of the house here wasn't an option for me either. All the medical tests proved it not to be a medical issue but a behavioral one and he had been on two different anxiety medications and still was spraying.
I made the difficult decision to euthanize him, not wanting him to go from home to home, feeling anxiety with each. He is at rest now, and I think it was the right decision, but still very hard for me to let go of.
But the thankful part of this post is that
1) I got him back each time, so he did not end up dumped in a shelter and put in a home that abused him for his behavior.
2) He knew love and affection during the 7 months he was back with me, and that I am grateful for, because I did truly love him and only wanted the best for him.
Fly free, sweet Sunny...
Hey, we lost our Blog Roll!
To tell you the truth, we're not sure when it disappeared but today is the day we noticed it! We are sad! But mewmie says she can rebuild it from her "Blogs I'm Following" list, but she's hissing mad! She said the "Roll" is still there on her other blog and she wish she knew where and what happened to this one on Curlz and Swirlz...has that happened to other CB'ers out there before?
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
This photo could have many captions...but today it's Wordless!
The kitty is Picchu, a Furrydance cat that was returned to me because of inappropriate urination, at about the same time I got another kitty, Macchu back for the same reason. Well, they became buddies, going through rehab together and they found their new forever home with Rob and Robbi and as you can see, a big dog!
Monday, December 7, 2009
Tortie Tuesday
This is Furrydance Gweek, you all know her as KiKi. She is a Tortoiseshell color, but what makes her coloring a bit different is she is mostly black with splotches of red, instead of mostly red with splotches of black. I love the little "racing stripe" down her nose, which draws attention to her pretty face!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Man Cat Monday
This is Pasha, showing that it is very tiring work, being a Man Cat. He is not a Furrydance cat, but he lives with two Furrydance Alumni, Percy and Brinkley and he is the Alpha cat, to be sure!
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Curls and Swirls (not Dredlocks)
Here's some close up photos of Coco, Kiki and Brighton's marcelled furs...so everyone can see what marcelled fur is like...
Simply Sunday Morning
Mewmie says she's envious of all the naptime we kitties get..
We have a maid to clean our house, our bathroom and make our beds; we have gourmet chefs going to great lengths to please our palates and we have personal hairdressers to keep us well-coiffed and we don't have to do much except purr to make our maid happy.
This sweet snuggly photo is of the Campbell cats, Pasha, Percy and Brinkley in their favorite nap spot, or maybe it ties with in front of the fire...