Gee, our Teri goes away for 4 days to a cat show in Ohai-O and it takes her 2 weeks to catch up...just be forewarned, this is going to be a really long post, you might want to nap in between 'chapters'...
The trip to Ohai-O gave our Teri and Brighton some one-on-one time together, and while it was a 9 hour drive, he is the perfect traveling companion...nary a peep out of him the whole trip. Teri listened to audio books and stayed awake with coffee and vitamin water and got settled into the hotel room by 5pm.
Traveling with pets, one always has to make sure the room is safe, nothing left behind by previous occupants (ick, it happens!) and she'd already gone online to and the place was purported to be bug-free. Still, she didn't set any bags or suitcases on the floor or bed...
Here's a few pix of Brighton enjoying the room:
And being the consummate showcat, Brighton wowed 'em all at the cat show on Saturday and Sunday. It was a Cornish Rex specialty show so there were something like 50 CRex in attendance, but Brighton was the only one who had a stroller and dressed up!
We got to meet a blogging furrend, Jeanne of RANDOM CATS. She enjoyed the cat show, bought some toys for her kitties at home, and like me, thought it was great to meet a fellow cat lover after 'following' them, and she thought Brighton was sooo handsome and got to see him performing for the judge. There is a short video of him on her blog, as well as some photos she took.
There was even cake to help celebrate the 60th anniversary of the birth of the first Cornish Rex, who was named Kallibunker.
And lil Fifi? She is just over 6 weeks old already! Oh, she reminds Teri of a little elf...must be the coloring of her face with it's little orange eyebrows and large eyes and pixie ears! She now has free run of bedroom with Spot and Dot and the mama cats. She is brave and bold and scrambles up to the top of the kitten tent to curl up in the sleeping bag on top of it.
The tent will get put away this weekend and Teri will get her bathroom back (and not have to step on litter with wet feet when she gets out of the shower, hahameow)and in another week or so, Fifi will get to venture into the rest of the house and then the kitten races will increase by one participant!
When Teri and Brighton got back home, there was a package waiting for us from Nip and Bones...a cute little fishy dish for Brighton's Beach theme cat show cage, our very first Plague Rat (though our Teri says we must have too many toys cuz we haven't been playing with it much, but everycat on the CB needs at least one Plague Rat) and a silly tank top for whichever of us will put up with wearing it for photo's some pix:
And now that Autumn is upon us, our Teri is thinking about TomTom and Mama Katz and how they will fare through the winter. She thinks they are both young and she isn't sure how they weathered last winter as kittens, but she would love to buy an outdoor cathouse for them, but she's not even sure if they would use it.
She knows they must hang out someplace at night, and they certainly look well-fed enough, and since she never was able to trap TomTom, she isn't sure they would even get in a 'house' but she bought 2 storage containers and some bubble wrap for insulation and she is going to fix something up this weekend for them.
She looked online to see how to make one DIY and came up with something like this:

If they use it, then maybe next winter she can get something nice like these:

A couple of weeks ago, Teri posted pix of TomTom, and while Mama Katz is a lot more wary, she did snap a couple of photos when she came up to eat...
Well, that just about catches everyone up with what's been going on round the Furrydance house lately. Ready for that nap?
Great update, the kittens are getting so big and they are all just precious!...Glad Teri and handsome Brighton had a great time, but hope Teri feels better soon...We hope the feral kitties use the shelter you provide for them...Hope you all have a fun Friday, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
ReplyDeleteThanks for getting us all caught up! Spotty and Dottie are super cute. Sounds like a fun weekend in Ohio.
ReplyDeleteThese are the best photos! Love the ones of Brighton on the motel room floor - and we're not surprised that he was a big hit at the show. The kittens are really adorable too.
ReplyDeleteP.S. That cat house looks like an excellent idea - it might be even better than a "boughten" one.
Wow, that was quite the update!
ReplyDeleteWe're glad the show went well and that you're home again safe and sound.
BTW, our mom has seen that DIY insulated feral cat house(the on-line site we mean), made with the Rubbermaid containers and insulation--it's a great, inexpensive idea.
Fifi is STUNNING! Brighton, you will have to give us lessons in being a good traveller. We yell so loudly that the windows nearly break.
ReplyDeleteThose kittens are getting cuter by the day. It will be hard to see them go to their own homes.
ReplyDeleteWe were glad to meet you in Ohio!!
As for cat houses - mom is going to be working on some for our neighborhood cats that they are trying to catch (Bug & Junior's relative).
Oh - and you can find us at
It's always great to get an update on everyone. The kittens look fabulous, and Brighton seems to have raelly enjoyed his trip!
ReplyDeleteWe hope you find a viable solution for keeping the ferals from the worst of the winter weather.
Wow, thats a lot! We are glad Teri an Brighton hadda good trip, that the kittens are getting used to the house, and that the petsitter treated all very well. It must have been quite a week for all...
ReplyDeleteThe kittens are growing so fast! We love the way Scottie and Dottie pose side by side.
ReplyDeleteWow, we always enjoy the much fun news! We're amazed Brighton did so well in the car...did he have a travel box or hold it the entire way? Good boy, either way!
ReplyDeleteThe kittens are amazingly LARGE and cute as buttons...Teri, you breed such wonderful babies!
Bonks from me and Miles!
ReplyDeleteThe kittens look great! S + P are getting big! Fifi is soooo cute and she is a brave little skamp!
It is so nice to see Mr. Brighterpants being a travelboy. Wow a fancy hotel carefully checked over by mom.
Well, we hope this week-end is a restful one.
oh! that out side kitty house is very nice. Yes, I think you can get those kitties to sleep in there if there is food nearby. It is so sad to worry about the kitties that have to live outside.
I will bonk for them
and a word from Miles:
HI UNKLE DISKERS and mommie CurlyCoco
Love the update on everyone! Love the frootbat ears on those kittens! Purrr...
ReplyDeleteBrighton we don't know how you do it. Mom is thinking of switching us to a vet that is a couple of blocks away since we fuss and carry on so much on the 4 mile ride to our current v-e-t.
Thanks for bringing us up to date. Brighton was really good settling in the car all that way - when we are put in the car we start crying out before mum has her seat belt on!!
ReplyDeleteLoved the pics of Spotty and Dottie.- they look quite big now.
Hope you can help the ferals with shelter this winter.