Saturday, February 28, 2009
Easy like Sunday Morning
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Thinkful Thursday
Our friend Fin, got us thinking about thinks...we mean sinks. Spot used to like to sleep in sinks, but ever since he caused a big catastrophe in late August 08, you know...Teri's never found him sleeping in the sink since!! But he (and all the other cats) do demand that every morning the first thing Teri does is to turn on the bathroom sink faucet so they can "fresh water".
Links to post on "Cat-astrophe"
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How to bathe a cat
A blogging friend just asked me how I bathe my cats without them scratching the daylights out of me.
Well, with kittens,you start early, at 8 weeks of age. You do it monthly til they are 16 weeks old and leave their birth home here.
Then, as adult cats, it is something they are familiar with, like riding in a cat carrier or going to the vets.
Then, while they don't hold the shampoo bottle for you, they are pretty good about it!
The main thing is to be quiet and gentle, make it more like petting than scrubbing...but they still yell the whole time, but no scratching or biting!
Oh yeah, and it helps to have cats with little or no fur, but I do have one long haired cat, that's Spot and he is good about baths, too...just not about blow drying and brushing!
This photo of him is just after a "spa day". He is a Turkish Van cat, and while you read that they like water, I think it must come from someone seeing a hungry cat in Turkey, swimming for a meal of a fish, because he, even being an old retired show cat and used to baths...yells the whole time and would leap out of the tub if I let him!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Saturday Caturday
Saturday's are for naps.
Of course, cats nap about
15 hours a day, any day...
But on this chilly Saturday,
a blankie and a nap with
Teri would be nice!
This photo is from a couple of years ago, and promise
it wasn't posed, that is how I found the babies napping.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Our 3rd Bloggin' Award!
Someone thinks we're Kreativ! Well, we are resourceful cats, have Teri at our beck and call, so I guess they are right!
We think Teri does a good job telling the world about us, and well, our photos get lots o' comments, too. And our furs are VERY Kreativ!
We got this award from Ms Meir and her two Cornish Rex, Jake and Maus.
If you're into knitting, cats, coffee and the political jibjab that goes along with all that, be sure to visit their blog.
Here are the rules for the nominees:
1. Copy the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 8 other bloggers.
4. Link to those on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominated.
There are many blogs I would nominate for being creative, but since this is my cats blog, all these bloggers have cats they talk about, but they aren't just cat blogs, sort of like Meir Cats!
plus 8:
Cris, Artist in Oregon
Paint, Poems and Ponderings
High Desert Diva
Studio Lolo
Willow's Rest
Lynn-Getting My Feet Wet
and for those who want to know about the photo...This is Linus and his new friend, Tugboat. Linus was one of Furrydance Cattery's October kittens and he moved in with his new family, another Cornish Rex called Mr B and the first dog he ever met! But looks like they have become snuggle buddies in a short two weeks!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tortie Tuesday
Couldn't find a toesie pix, so here is a couple of Kiki, our tortie momcat who's been featured before (remember Gweek/Squeek?)
and a close up of her pretty furs!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Easy like Sunday Morning
Friday, February 13, 2009
Happy Heart Day!
Frootbat Friday
Monday, February 9, 2009
Madame President, Coco!
Well, as you will be able to tell from the photos, Coco got herself worked up into quite a frenzy, trying on outfits for the Ball.
Her pink and chocolate taffeta gown was TOO SCRATCHY, she said and too tight in the bodice...so she wouldn't stand up! Anyway, she said it wasn't really a gown as it barely covered her ladyparts, unless she sat down!
And, she wouldn't look up at the camera, so you can't tell she had on a lovely strand of pearls that Teri let her borrow for the evening.
What she really wanted to wear, was this...a clingy modern take on Disco, all sequins and spandex. Coco said it was a lot more comfortable and that's what she was going to wear, and then Coco hissed at Teri!
They came to a compromise, after many trips into the dressing room and that was the black and silver sequined sheath with the vintage Austrian crystal clip on earrings...
Which you can see, were more pinchy than the taffeta dress was scratchy and Coco said they didn't do a thing for accentuating her usually tall Frootbat Ears!
Teri said it was going to be a long evening, but at least she wouldn't have to listen to Coco complain about her uncomfortable shoes, since she wasn't wearing any!
She hoped that dancing with the dapper gentleman cats would take Coco's mind off the pinchy earrings, and that the Floofie womancats would commiserate with Coco around the punchbowl. I am sure they have their tales of the evenings preparations for the Ball that would make Coco embarrassed that she complained at all!
Teri was hoping Coco would leave her party dress on, even if she ditched the earrings half way through the festivities! But she overheard someone saying that Coco was so lovely, all she needed to wear was her lovely wavy fur and a diamond necklace and of course, the paparazzi got a photo of that! And maybe they were right...Coco does look transplendent in the tiara and dazzling diamond necklace, doesn't she?!
The dancing and socializing and fun lasted into the wee hours of the morning, and one by one the attendees wandered off the their cat beds, or found a cozy chair to curl up in and dreamed of waltzes and caviar and cream...
The Party Begins...
The Inaugural Ball is honoring the First Cat President, Coco! And the First Cat Vice President, Misha! Both cats look simply stunning, as the evening begins!
The lovely Cory, Secretary of Socks, looking resplendent in diamond tiara and brooch!
And Cosmo, Chief Whip, looking self-assured and classically beautiful in pearls!
Fin, Secretary of the Interior, looks absolutely fetching in bows and ribbons!
Hansel, Minister of Youth Affairs, fresh and hip in his cap, sure to catch the young girls eyes!
Kiddo, Minister of Housing, in his Tux and Top Hat, handsome mancat!
Oh, Sweet Praline, Minister of Floofy Affairs, just as lovely as any Southern Belle, and what an Up-Do!
And for Zoey...pearls, sultry looks and a simple marcelled wave is all she needs!
And let's not forget Rocky, Chief of Staff...an enviable position for any cat and he is looking especially well-groomed tonight!
And to round out the cabinet, and to have the difficult job of recording in paintings everything that goes on in the Cat Blogosphere, it's Maggie, Minister of Arts! And here she is, hard at work already!
And music for the evening was provided by the King and Queen of Soul, Annie Mosaic and Tuck (love the hats! Coco was looking for something just like that!)
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Invitation to The Inaugural Ball!
Inauguration Ball Eve
Well, at least Coco doesn't have to worry about her hair, like some of the Floofies who will be primping for hours for the Ball.
Coco has picked out her dress, and in keeping with how close we are to Valentines Day, just a hint of what her gown will be...Pink Taffeta with exquisite tiny chocolate hearts and a chocolate colored sash, tied in the back, and of course, Pearls! Very Retro, with an almost Coco Chanel feel to the ensemble.
Unfortunately, she has not been able to find just the right hat, that won't crush her FrootBat ears, but she is looking a chandelier earrings to give the outfit that finishing touch that, as Daisy knows, accesories are sooo important!
She put her foot down at wearing shoes, though...just like Daisy feels about pants. Though we did hear Daisy has some pink panties for Skeezix if he'll be her Valentine, MOL!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Easy like Sunday Morning
Teri's doing her nails, she said "in Cyberspace", so if you're so inclined, visit this site http://www.opi.com/ and pick Try-On This Color. Have fun!
We don't do our nails, but have other grooming to attend to this Sunday.
After Teri finishes her nails...we are hoping she'll say no baths today!
Our Second Award, but sadness, too...
Teri's had a busy day! Luna's new family came to pick her up today (they had been waiting almost a year for a Furrydance Cornish Rex kitten) and Teri had the afternoon free!
A nap sounded good, but while us cats napped, Teri never got there (as per usual). Instead, she was busy helping Coco and Kiki make their Valentines Day cards for Skeezix's and Ariel's contests,and catching up with her blogging friends.
The friends we have made, in the short time we have been blogging, bring both smiles and sadness to each day, but it is comforting to have a family of lovers of our cats to make the sad times more bearable.
Time does heal, but the memories are forever, and even though I lost my "Heart Cat" Bo almost four years ago, I have a kitty now, Brighton, that is so much like him at times I call him Bo by mistake. Here's both of their photos, what do you think?

And in the midst of the day, we also were the proud recipients of our second award, The "Love Ya" Friends Award, from Cliff & Olivia! We are making lots of new friends, guess that's worth an award, isn't it? It's nice when others of our purrsuasion tell us how nice we are! So, we are supposed to send this award on to 8 kitties we deem worthy and here they are:
Abby, Boo, Jinx, Ping and Gracie at http://manxmnews.blogspot.com/
Mr. Chen and Ollie at http://chenandollie.blogspot.com/
The Ginger Cats at http://wethreecats.blogspot.com/
The CatCareGiver at http://thefrenziedfeline.blogspot.com/
Kaze, Chase and Latte at http://thecatsp.blogspot.com/
Lucy and Trixie at http://my3catsrule.blogspot.com/
Marilyn Monreow, Brainball, Dorydoo, MaoMao at http://ballicus.blogspot.com/
and Rosie and Cheeto at http://roroandcheesehead.blogspot.com/
Friday, February 6, 2009
Caturday Saturday
and this is Kiki, all grown up...
Kiki, as she is fondly called, has a showcat name of Furrydance Gweek. Gweek is a town in Cornwall. I have a theme of naming my cats after places in Cornwall.
Some, I was lucky enough to visit with Mike. Gweek was a town we passed by, and as the country roads were winding and narrow, led to me making little squeaks of fear when Mike got to close to the gorse covered stone walls along the roads.
He came up with the little ditty of "You've never squeaked til you've Squeaked in Gweek" and that is how the name of Gweek came to be on one of my cats.
Frootbat Friday
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
Monday, February 2, 2009
Teri's supposed to be working...
but she's on the computer instead, and guess what she found?
The very nice cabinet member Fin, Secretary of the Interior, sent Madame President an award for "her" blog!
Teri says she's all out of gas for acceptance speeches, but this is our first award and without Coco (and Fin's thoughtfulness) it wouldn't have been possible. And this award is all about making friends and we have made some new ones this past week and that is what blogging is all about!
"This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
So Teri and all the cats of Furrydance thank Fin, and are sending this award off to 8 worthy recipients right now:
Tama-Chan and Tom at http://thepoupounette.blogspot.com/
Luxor and http://awhitecat.blogspot.com/
Princess and Pierro at http://thecornishkitties.blogspot.com/
Daisy at http://daisythecurlycat.blogspot.com/
Misha and http://theworldaccordingtomisha.blogspot.com/
Cory at http://corycattalks.blogspot.com/
Dante, Sebastian and Yaffa at http://ilovecatnip.blogspot.com/
Jebat and Memon at http://thefluffies.wordpress.com/
and here's a photo of the kittens, while all 4 were still here, watching me get ready for work in the morning...I have to brush my teeth in the guest bathroom because there is less counter space and they don't hang out in there!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Mancat Monday
Looking quite the debonaire cat,
is Angelwaves Undeniably
Sentimental, known to his
girlfriends as Sexy Sammy...
Easy like Sunday Morning
Well, Teri's not a football fan, so today on Super Bowl Sunday, we are hoping she fills up our Food Bowl with some special Tail Gate Party snacks! So, Teri's catching up with Blogs and laundry (oooh, that means piles of warm things to snuggle in!)
Well, one more kitten went to his new home yesterday, and we cats think the mommycats are glad, they didn't want to be bothered by silly kittens any longer. Jack went to live with a couple in Alabama with another Cornish Rex named Mr B and a dog named Tugboat. We had a nice visit, they took lots of pictures and then the beans went out to dinner at a yummy Thai place.
Teri talked to them last night and Jack was having fun running round the hotel room and playing with the toys Teri put in his Kitten Care Kit.
Luna and Madeline are still here, but Luna's family are coming for her next weekend and Madeline new owners are still making arrangements to come and get her. Luna is going to live with a Chihuahua and another girly cat and she is such a little Princess, Teri knows they will adore her! Maddie is going to be a showcat and a momcat in the future, and Teri hopes she will have a happy life with the breeder that her dad came from. When Maddie (oh her showcat name is Furrydance Newquay--named after a town in Cornwall where the surfers hang out) retires, Teri will get her back and that is a comfort to her.
Disco's doing good with his rehab and diet! Teri moved him from the stud room to the library room about 2 weeks ago and so far, no spraying. His all canned food diet is working! He's lost 12 ounces. He got very fat living in the stud room because he wasn't getting any exercise and went from 10.5# to 13.75#. That can be dangerous, because fat cats can get diabetes. It's also hard on their joints. But getting them to lose weight slowly is important too, so they don't get Hepatic Liver Disease (Fatty Liver Disease).
Toby, on the other hand, has sprayed by the bedroom door a few times. He's in the guest room with Silly, a young spayed girlcat, for his companion. Teri forgot to put a Feliway Plug-In in his room, so added that today and we'll see if that helps. In Toby's defense, both momcats have been in heat and yelling outside his door, so that might be part of the reason.
If the Feliway doesn't help, then next step is to try him on some anxiety medication. His family (our petsitters) visit him every couple of weeks and they say he looks happy and relaxed, not as anxious as when he lived with them and was such a bad boy. Teri thinks he is re-homeable, it will just have to be a quiet, sedate household for him to be happy he said.
Someone is interested in adopting Silly and Teri's getting to know her and is going to visit her place next weekend to see help her cat-proof it and see if she is comfortable with her adopting Silly. This lady, her name is Tango, is a little younger than Teri, has no other pets, travels a lot to car shows where she shows her Scion Xb, so she wants to be able to take her kitty with her. We think Silly would like that, though it makes Teri a little nervous she might escape and get lost. But heck, some of us go out to cat shows and that's sort of the same thing.
Her lifestyle is different than ours, and her home is a travel trailer, but like Teri told her...she has sent kitties off to homes that seemed perfect-family, nice house etc, and then had things fall apart when they get divorced. The only cat she lost track of was in that circumstance and that saddens her. So, we'll keep an open mind and think that we will give Tango a chance to have this sweet little kitty in her life.
Coco'a got a busy week ahead, meeting with her cabinet, getting briefed on world mews, and planning her wardrobe for the next week. She'll be posting photos of the Inaugural Ball preparations soon. She hired a personal assistant (Kiki) to help organize her closet (the purple storage box) and will be going to her hairstylist, Daisy, who knows how to make curls look their best!
Well, after all that news, here's a photo of an easy Sunday morning...